worth it?

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I woke up, finding demi on the edge of the bed With a drink in her hand, she handed me the drink after I sat up and judging by her exhausted posterior she had just come home from the gym. Her smile showing me she wasn't angry or upset with me, she came a little closer to me brushing my hair behind my ear and kissing my forehead. "Is this worth it?" I asked as she pulled away She looked at me in confusion "is what worth it?" She kissed me again in the same place "my outbursts." She smiled beginning to kiss my neck, showing me the promise ring on her hand "yes. Yes it is" "....so you think that I'm worth it" she pulled away once again looking down at me "you worry to much. Of course I think your worth it. I'm gonna get a shower, get up and get changed, I'm taking you out." I processed what she had said and sat in shock "what the hell! What do you mean!" She didn't answer closing the door behind herself and turning the shower on. As much as I hated surprises, the only way I could find out where I was being taken was to go along with said surprise. I got dressed and put a little makeup on then waited for Demi to get ready.

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After a short while, demi came in wearing her outfit, she had her bag as well wherever we were going she had planned it out

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After a short while, demi came in wearing her outfit, she had her bag as well wherever we were going she had planned it out.

"Come on then

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"Come on then. Let's go" I was still confused as to where she was taking me but I trusted her. She drove for about ten minutes before arriving seemingly... nowhere. "Where we going dem." "It's worth the wait I promise" I shook my head at her, I didn't understand why I had so much trust in her but I did. She brought me to an abandoned tunnel, full of graffiti but surprisingly clean.she placed down the blanket she had brought in her bag and pulled out a few cans of cider, opening one and passing me another. "Well you gonna sit down or not?" She said tapping the blanket, I sat down opposite her and open the cider "why are we here dem dem." "Do we need a reason?" I nodded, earning a sigh from my girlfriend "when I first moved here I had nothing. At all. And I would get so stressed from it. I'd come here to relax, let go, sometimes with a friend but a lot of the times alone. But I wanna share it with somebody. You." I smiled at her explanation "you're cute when you wanna be. It is worth it then" I made her smile, I knew that my approval meant a lot to her besides this spot was really cute. We talked for a while, when demi started going through her bag again, this time pulling out a few pens and two notebooks. "I wanna try something. Start drawing, doesn't matter how crappy or good it looks, just draw and we'll swap in a few minutes" she said handing me a notebook and a pen. So that's what we did, every two minutes we swapped for 20 minutes "why did we do this then?" I looked at her in confusion "new tattoo idea" was what she responded with, leaving me in shock. After yet another explanation of what she had in mind she stood up holding my hand, picking me up. She had a sound speaker and put a few songs on, grabbing my waist and dancing with me. Moments like this were super sweet, made this relationship worth it, made me feel worth it, she really cared, she loved me, I loved her. Her lips connected with mine, a passionate embrace forming between the two of us, she pulled away for a brief moment "I love you" was all she said before kissing me again, her hand pulling my leg up, my breathing deepened I was trying to keep things as sweet as possible but it was clear what Demi wanted. I felt the cold concrete wall of the tunnel hit my back, her lips trailed to my neck "dem we're outside.." I could feel the smile on her face growing against my collar bone "I know." I felt my cheeks heating up, her breath tickling against my neck and the risk of getting caught added to the excitement.

*Time skip*

We didn't get caught though we were very tired now and I was getting cold. We sat on the rear end of Demi's car, watching the sunset in each others arms. I liked making up after an argument because we always found ways to really make a cute apologies so we always felt a lot better afterwards. After the sun set we went home and ordered takeout, we had gotten changed into similar pyjamas ready for bed.



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We watched horror movie after horror movie until our eyes fell heavy

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We watched horror movie after horror movie until our eyes fell heavy. I refused to sleep before finishing the final destination franchise though so I forced myself awake until the last movie finished, judging by Demi's red eyes, she had been doing the same. "you know you're worth it right?" I looked at my wife smiling at her "yeah?" "I mean it, I don't care how many outbursts you have, I'm not going anywhere" she said kissing my cheek. A tear rolled from my eye and her thumb caught it "you're too sweet, you know that right?" I said smiling at her. She kissed me once again, getting more and more heated as we continued "round two?" Is what I whispered into the neck of my girlfriend leaving a few purple marks to deepen and darken in colour. She took over with my question, removing my shirt and taking her own off afterwards "round two." Her kisses trailing all over my chest as she lifted me up, there was no doubt that she was ready. She was hungry and she would definitely get what she wanted, and she knew it, that's why she took me to our bedroom...

~𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕓𝕖𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕟𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕞𝕒𝕣𝕖~Where stories live. Discover now