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FEB 3RD 2019 

This was it. Last woman standing. No pinfall. No submission. No disqualification. Just ten seconds, and the two of us and weapons. I was ready, I had held my frustrations in for so long and I didn't want to hold back on anything, at all. I didn't love the idea of facing Demi, but it wasn't like we were  together anymore, but it still it was hard to think about. She was thinking about it a lot as well, I could tell, she wouldn't talk but she kept on staring at me. I was sat in my gear, on my phone, waiting for my match to begin. I could feel her eyes fixed on me but I wasn't going to let her phase me, not today, not this close to the biggest match of my life. It was my first last woman standing match and it meant a lot to me, I had to win, no matter what.  "got a staring problem?" I finally said, turning to face her. she shook her head and looked away. 

Sydney gear:

I sat there for about another ten minutes, before getting cued in for the match to begin

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I sat there for about another ten minutes, before getting cued in for the match to begin. Demi was dead centre, in the ring, staring directly at me as I made my way to the ring. I took off my jacket and mask, holding eye contact with her, my face cold and emotionless as I climbed into the ring. "THIS MATCH IS A LAST WOMAN STANDING MATCH! INTRODUCING YOUR CONTESTANTS! UP FIRST FROM ADELAIDE SOUTH AUSTRALIA! RHEA RIPLEYYYY! AND HER OPPONENT! FROM ENNIS, IRELAND! SERENITYYY!" I spun around and listened to the cheers from the crowd before taking one corner of the ring and assuming my start position. 

she assumed a similar position, opposite me and waited for the bell to ring, the three chimes signalling that the match had begun, I ran at her, dodging her initial attack, wrapping my arms around her and throwing her into the turnbuckle, from a german suplex. I stood up quickly and the ref began counting, it took Rhea a moment but, unfortunately, she got up. Before she could attack me however, I swooped under the bottom rope and to the outside of the ring. "move!" I shouted at the crew member that was sat in the chair with my jacket on the back. I snatched the jacket, looking through the pockets and pulling out the steel knuckle duster, smiling as I looked back at Rhea. She took a step back, looking absolutely terrified for what was to come. I climbed back into the ring, immediately making eye contact with her. She kept on glancing at the knuckle duster that was on my hand, "what's wrong, scared?" I chuckled at her, she  rolled her eyes at me "huh, no. just wondering how you're gonna use that against me." We circled the ring for a moment, my smile still not leaving my face. eventually she ran for me, but my swing into her waist connected pretty hard, dropping her to her knees. I bounced off the ropes and swung my knees into her, before attacking her again, the knuckle duster was hitting her pretty hard, it actually ended up cutting her arms. 

The only time i stopped, hesitated even, was when I heard her screaming in agony. I stood up and just watched her writhing  in pain, her arms cut up and bloody. what have I done? my breathing deepened as I watched referees surrounding her, I felt sick. She stood up after a moment, telling the referees that she was okay. I just stood there staring, I had discarded the knuckle duster and I was just staring at her. Eventually she ran at me and I just let her attack me for a little while, untill I had enough and flipped her over shit we just sat there for a moment before rhea realised and head butted my collar bone. I fell off of her and she took the opportunity to get a weapon from under the ring, a kendo stick. She also pulled out a table and a few chairs but left them on the outside of the ring, for whatever reason. I began to crawl away from her but obviously she caught up, swinging the kendo stick down into my back until it snapped in two. I managed to get out of the ring just as she replaced the kendo for a chair. I had to get back on offence, my hand reached under the ring and I pulled out a ladder, standing up just as the referee counted a number eight, I was so close to defeat and I didn't like it.

She ran to dive through the ropes at me but the ladder that I held in front of me prevented that from happening, she crashed into the ladder shoulder first and hit the floor. I had to move quickly now, the ladder was placed in the ring and I walked over to the table that rhea had previously pulled out and set it up next to her, my hands wrapped around her neck and I placed her on the table, hitting her in her gut a few times just to make sure she didn't move. I ran back into the ring and set the ladder up, right next to the turnbuckle, so I was facing her. I made the climb up the ladder as quickly as possible, I was now at the highest point of the ring that anyone could possibly reach. The roar of the crowd was deafening and the commentary table was shocked by my actions. It was dangerous but I would pull up a win this way, and it would show how much I was willing to risk for my job, it would get me on good ground with the officials once again. I took a few deep breaths, Rhea had barely moved but she was coming to her senses so I couldn't waste any more time. My nerves were real, I was shaking but I went for it, I jumped off the ladder, crashing down into the table, and rhea, the crowd erupted in yells and applause but the pain I had caused the both of us wasn't the most fun thing. I heard the referee counting 5,6,7, but none of us had moved, I couldn't let it tie, so I began to rise to my feet, holding onto the commentary table for support, it counted as standing and I was the only one up when the count of ten was up.

I won. I beat her. And it didn't feel the best to be honest. I didn't even celebrate I just grabbed my things and left, I didn't want to think about her or anything else. I just wanted to go home.

~𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕓𝕖𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕟𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕞𝕒𝕣𝕖~Where stories live. Discover now