WRESTLEMANIA 36!!! (part 1)

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APRIL 4TH 2020

Wrestlemania. To say I was excited would be an understatement. Never in a million years did I think I was going to be debuting on the main stage, it was crazy. I had been at the stadium since 11AM having my hair dyed and cut, ready for my appearance later.

Maxine, the stylist that had been working on my hair all day, shook through it one final time and held a mirror up, "all done!" she shouted, giving me a chance to look at it

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Maxine, the stylist that had been working on my hair all day, shook through it one final time and held a mirror up, "all done!" she shouted, giving me a chance to look at it. I stood up and hugged her "thankyou! I love it!!" she pulled away with a smile "glad you do! Now go out there and kick ass!!" I laughed and gave her one final hug before leaving so she could start working on Bianca's braid. It was now time for me to have my makeup done but I had a feeling my gear would smudge my gear so I was gonna put it in now to avoid that problem.

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

My makeup took longer than expected but I knew why, it was pretty bold, best part about makeup in wrestlemania, we couldn't be told off for going "too bold" because that was what wrestlemania was about, making bold decisions

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

My makeup took longer than expected but I knew why, it was pretty bold, best part about makeup in wrestlemania, we couldn't be told off for going "too bold" because that was what wrestlemania was about, making bold decisions. My stylist was really sweet and was really gentle when doing my makeup, she was new to the beauty team, Nakeya, she was nervous about making any mistakes, but my joking and silly behaviour made her ease up a little. I made sure she was alright after every small mistake, if it was just a tiny smudge she'd freak out but I told her it was fine and she was going to make mistakes sometimes, I really made her feel better.

I obviously thanked her before being escorted to a room where my co workers were sat, including Liv, Becky, Shayna, Alexa and although she wasn't performing tonight, Rhea, there were also a few guys there as well, Rey and Dominik, drew, Sheamus, a...

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

I obviously thanked her before being escorted to a room where my co workers were sat, including Liv, Becky, Shayna, Alexa and although she wasn't performing tonight, Rhea, there were also a few guys there as well, Rey and Dominik, drew, Sheamus, and, Seth; as well as others walking in and out of the lounge and of course crew members. The closer my arrival got the more nervous I became and the harder it was to hide, I probably would've broken down on the spot if it weren't for demi tracing my facial features softly, calming me down, my head was on her lap and I could've fallen asleep right there, but Gia swooning over us was keeping me awake. We sat there until Becky and Shayna both made their way to the ring, my turn.

I shook myself down in the wing, my stomach turning as I waited. Then it happened, the lights went down, confusion erupting in the crowd. then as my theme song began to play splashes of orange yellow and red filled the light panels, with contrasts of blues and purples in the audience. Next the lettering of Phoenix appeared on the monitors and a fire effect at the bottom.

at the 46 second mark I appeared at the bottom of the stage, a very dim spotlight just barely lighting me up, though my face was still hidden due to the fact that I was staring at the ground, I stood there shaking my hips with my head down until the one minute mark where my head lifted and she crowed screamed in shock and awe at my appearance. I skipped down to the ring and danced around for a little bit, my music cutting off at the two minute, thirty second marker. I had a microphone with me and after a big sigh shouted "Missed me?!" the crowd cheered and applauded at my question, giving me the answer I seeked. I sighed with a happy smile on my face, "look, I know it's a huge surprise seeing me here, but, I am looking for a title and you know what I see one around Becky's waist. I apologise for barging in on your match really I do, but come on becks, you already know I'm a better competitor than the 'queen of spade' so, what do you say." 

She pondered the question, but of course, Shayna interrupted "woah woah woah" she began, snatching the mic out of my hand. "I earned my place here, I worked my ass off for this opportunity and now you're waltzing in taking my spotlight. I don't think so." I laughed at her and snatched the mic back "chill out angry pants, I am not stealing your spotlight, I'm making my own, a triple threat match, right now, on the big stage." I smiled, so did Becky, Shayna however didn't "No! No way! we signed a contract for a singles match, not a triple threat-" I cut her off again, a smile on my face "actually, Adam showed me the contract. Technically, yes you signed up for a singles match, but, the contract was an open signing, meaning if someone else perhaps signed the contract then they would be added to the match. I didn't realise at first but... I signed that very same contract, and so, ding ding, bitch." I dropped the mic and kicked it out of the way, assuming a position to get the match started, after a moment of disbelief my opponents readied themselves and we all waited for the bell to ring. Becky took her title and handed it to Jess who held it in the air before declaring for the bell to ring. I had waited for too long now, and the three chimes of the bell brought my smile wider than it ever has been before, it felt like everything slowed down for a moment but then I was snapped back into reality and we all began to circle the ring.

~𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕓𝕖𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕟𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕞𝕒𝕣𝕖~Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat