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SUN 22 MARCH 2020

It was the road to wrestlemania. I had missed my shot at the royal rumble because of my injury, and I feared that I would miss wrestlemania as well. Demi had tried to keep my hopes up, but it was a really close call now. But something about, everyone, felt off, like they were keeping something from me, even Nick, when I was training it felt like he was being really careful with his words. I figured that I would find out soon enough, I had an unexpected meeting with Adam Pierce today, he didn't specify why, but it was mandatory that I attended, even though I didn't have a contract anymore and he had no right to say whether I have to show or not, I decided to go, I was curious about why he needed me so urgently and why he didn't email me, he emailed Demi and Demi told me about it. He still had my email so it made no sense, but I complied. I finished drying my hair from my shower and was now looking for an outfit to match my makeup.

 I finished drying my hair from my shower and was now looking for an outfit to match my makeup

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I wore some black cycling shorts underneath just in case the shirt raised in any way

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I wore some black cycling shorts underneath just in case the shirt raised in any way. We decided to have lunch before heading out so that none of us were hungry during my meeting. Demi had told me that she was coming to the meeting with me and I knew what she was like for forgetting to eat and then getting hungry and not being able to eat where she was. "So, any guesses on what the meeting is about?" I asked trying to get any information from her. She shrugged her shoulders "not a clue" she was lying, the smile on her face gave her away "you do know!" I shouted standing up and pointing at her. "Maybe I do, but I'm not telling you. You'll understand why in good time" I ran over to her and began to beg for information but she was persistent. Eventually I gave up and she dragged me to her car, she drove to the performance center and I grew nervous, I didn't know why I was here and I had no news from the doctor about being cleared so I couldn't help but think it was bad news.

I stepped in and Demi held onto my hand, she reassured me the moment before Adams PA walked out and led us to the meeting room. The room was small, like an office, with a table and a few chairs. "Hello, Sydney. Long time no see, please, sit." Adam said pointing to the chairs. I sat down and was completely stiff, the nerves were getting in my head and everyone could see. "Now there's no reason to be nervous Sydney. I asked for you here today so we could discuss your signing to RAW at wrestlemania." All that stared back at the smile of Adam was a blank stare. "I-I'm not cleared though." I stuttered, I hadn't heard anything, there was no way that I could be in that ring. Unless.. Adam slid an envelope across the table, it had already been opened, but it was addressed to my name. "You mean that medical clearance" he smiled, I looked at him, my mouth agape and after a moment of processing, speedily pulled the letter out of the envelope and read through my clearance letter, a huge smile forming on my face.

"ARE YOU FOR REAL!" I yelled out, standing up and diverting my attention between the two in the room with me. Adam held his hand back out to me and placed that familiar contract in front of me, "welcome to RAW" I shook his hand and he allowed me to have a moment to get my excitement out. "We recommend for the best reveal you change your name, or add something to it" he said after I sat back down. I thought about it for a moment and then demi suggested something "how about phoenix; you know, rising from the ashes and all that, it certainly suits the situation." I took in what she had said and realised that she was right. "Yeah, phoenix. I like that." I replied, adding my new stage name to the contract "I already know what intro music I want, it's time for a change.". I said before anyone could suggest anything else. I filled out the rest of the contract and Adam explained my appearance at wrestlemania. I obviously thanked him then we left.

Demi held my hand and as we turned the corner, my friends, my colleagues, my family, even Nick were stood at the entrance, all of them shouting "congratulations" in unison. "You all knew!" I shouted with a laugh, going around and hugging everyone. "Yeah. I kinda... Found that clearance letter and arranged this entire thing." Demi said with a smile. I smiled back and was pulled into her warm embrace. "Look, celebration only starts here, I've paid for all of us to go to the Royal Thai cuisine that's nearby." She added, taking my hand and leading me toward her car once again.

*time skip*

we got home at around 11:00pm, a large smile still printed on my face. I couldn't believe it, it felt like a dream. I  was going to Wrestlemania, for real, in ring, fighting again. "why did you do it?" I asked demi, sitting down on the sofa so barry could snuggle up to me. "do what?" "this entire celebration." "because, you deserve it, Syd, I know what life has been like for you in the past, you deserve everything I give and no matter what, even if you don't think you're worth it, you are. I love you." she said, kissing my forehead. "awwe Demi, seriously, don't make me cry, my mascara is gonna run" I laughed, dabbing my eyes, tying not to smudge the makeup I had on; I didn't care about it smudging because of how I'd look, it was because I didn't want to irritate my face. "here." she said taking a makeup wipe and slowly removing the liner from my eyes, she was smiling throughout, she didn't care if I wore makeup or not, she loved me for me. "now, lets discuss your wrestlemania gear" her smile widened and she joined me on the sofa too look for inspiration...

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