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21st MAY 2020


I had no excuse now to miss work

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I had no excuse now to miss work. Yes, I was still grieving over Izzy, but people were getting annoyed, cough, Adam, cough, that I wasn't fighting for my title. And to be honest, I knew that Izzy would be dragging me back into the performance centre by my ear at this point. So although I probably wasn't in the greatest mindset I decided to hold an open challenge for my championship as an apology for my absence. I was sat in gorilla, explaining to Gia my absence in a bit more depth until a space opened up for me to issue my challenge.

I made my way down to the ring and gave the audience a bit more clarity on why I was so absent before saying "Once again, I am so sorry about being gone for so long. And to make up for that, I'm ready to put my title on the line fore whoever wants it, right her, right now, open challenge." I paused for a short moment, waiting for someone to make their way down the ramp. to my surprise, the Russian Role model, Lana, was the one to sprint towards the ring, she tried to get an attack in but I was more than prepared, catching her kick and reversing it into a Fisherman's suplex before rising to my feet again and passing my title to the ref that had joined us in the ring. She immediately called for the bell and I sprang back into action Raining left and rights on Lana until she was able to throw me off of her. She had offence but not for long when her superkick failed to connect due to me catching her foot yet again.

I smiled at the panic in her eyes and watched as she flinched as I pulled my fist into the air. Rather than going ahead with the punch though, I threw her foot behind her and as she lost balance and fell forward I smacked my knee into her jaw. The entire crowd were on their feet and screamed the roof off as I pointed towards the top rope. Listening to the fans I stepped out to the apron and began to climb. Before I could execute any moves though, someone grabbed hold of my ankle and I looked down to find A masked figure shaking it's head at me. Lana obviously took advantage of this and pulled me off the top and into her knee; mirroring what I did to her earlier. She rolled me up and I honestly almost lost everything, but out of instinct alone, I pulled my shoulder up at the last possible second. I took a minute to regroup while Lana had a tantrum and when she realised I had recovered it was too late for her to counter and I threw her into a northern lights suplex. I was hoping that the figure would break the pin and just as I hoped, it did. As it tried to leave I locked my hand on its wrist, and watched it try to break away from my grasp but to no avail. I held onto their wrist and launched them into a short-arm clothesline.

Both Lana and the figure stood up, facing towards the ropes and that's when I got my idea that would put them away. I sprung myself off the ropes on the other side of the ring and sprinted into them; dropkicking them both into the ropes. I stood back up and began to smile as I spun my finger around, alluding to the 619 dial-up that Rey Mysterio had made extremely recognisable in the industry. The entire stadium began to cheer as I jumped against the ropes before throwing myself towards them in a 619 that connected over both people. I now had a choice, I could unmask the unknown figure or I could pin Lana, and as much as I wanted to win, I had to see who was out for me, so after kicking Lana to keep her down I peeled back the black mask that was over the figure's face to reveal the Pirate princess, Kairi Sane. I was honestly quite surprised to see her behind the mas, I had a rivalry with her in NXT but I thought it passed after she took my title. Apparently not to her. My shock was quickly overcome by anger and frustration, I threw the mask back at her and scowled at her before turning my attention back to my current opponent, rolling her up in a pin. I took too long and she kicked out before three so I had to think of something else, and I had to think fast, so that Kairi wouldn't get in my way again. Without delaying I climbed the ring post and watched as both women rose to their feet. "Here we go, Phoenix looking for the FIRE BIRD! AND IT CONNECTS!" commentary was booming, crowds cheering, and both women crawling away from me. I stopped Lana in her tracks, rolling her up and keeping her shoulders planted for the count of three. "Here is your winner! AND STILL THE RAW WOMEN'S CHAMPION! PHOENIXXX!" I was handed my title and called for a microphone so I could address Sane's actions tonight. "Kairi Kairi Kairi, what am I going to do with you eh? I thought we left this in NXT but you proved me wrong. If you wanted a championship match, all you had to do was ask and I probably would have let you, because I know that I will pin you again, and again, and again, just like NXT when I became the first ever two-time NXT women's champion." everyone began to cheer at my mini speech "So, if you really want to fight and lose to me again, then let's do it, I'll see you next week" with that my music boomed through the speakers yet again and I dropped my mic next to Kairi's almost completely limp body before walking back up the ramp. 

*time skip*

I stepped into our apartment and upon inspection thought it was empty, it was dead silent. "Dem?" I asked, not too loud in case she was sleeping but then I saw her wrap her head around the bedroom door "Hey gorgeous" she said with a smile. "I thought you had packed and left me" I replied, laughing a little "Now, why would I leave such a pretty face all on her lonesome?" she replied, placing her hands on my hips "I've had some shitty boyfriends" "exactly, you've had shitty boyfriends. I'm not them." her lips connected with mine and I melted into her touch. "here she is" "what?" I asked, flashing a confused look at her. "my champion" she replied with a smirk "the champion I missed so much, and the champion that is going to be treated like royalty after her win" She smiled at the blush forming on my face, and she picked me up, kissing me again... 

~𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕓𝕖𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕟𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕞𝕒𝕣𝕖~Where stories live. Discover now