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Today was the day, I was going for an interview in an hour with Sonya and Adam, I couldn't lie, I was nervous as hell, but I couldn't show that to anyone, or I wouldn't get the job. I was currently doing my makeup and I found one of travs old suit jackets and decided to style it. I ended up wearing some normal trousers and a white strapless top, my makeup consisted of a green and black eye look TOY match my hair as well as some black lipstick, I wore some plain black stiletto heels, just making it as professional as possible. I packed some gym clothes as well just in case they wanted a demo to se what I could do.

Full outfit:

Full outfit:

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Demi said she'd come with

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Demi said she'd come with .e as a nerve easer because she knee how nerve wracking interviews with Adam could be. She also offered to drive, she knew how I drove and didn't want to risk anything happen, besides it was pretty early in the morning so she'd be able to help my sort everything out, considering iz and trav were still sleeping. She said she'd be over after the gym so all I had to do was wait, it didn't take her long anyway, my apartment complex was 5 minutes away from the gym.

I finished my makeup and sat down while I waited for demi. About 10 minutes later get a knock on my door, sure enough it was the 5'9 Australian woman that I loved so much, but She didn't feel the same... She came in and sat down on the sofa "hey, I really smell, could I use your shower" she said as I watch beads of sweat fall down her chest, into the sports bra that she wore. "Sydney!" She snapped me out of my thoughts "Yeah, use the one in my room, it's nicer. I'll get you some clothes.." I lead her toward my room and pulled out some clothes that would fit her and laid them on my bed. I watched her go into the bathroom and waited for the shower to turn on, after it did I left the room.

I waited patiently for demi and tried to calm my nerves a little before my interview. After a few minutes had passed demi turned the corner trying her hair a little with a towel. I stood up and opened the door for her, she instinctively grabbed my hand and lead me down the stairs, I could feel my cheeks heating up and I his my face to try and hide it, though I'm pretty sure she noticed because I could see her smiling.

When we arrived I was immediately greeted by Sonya, who welcomed me into the centre and took me to see Adam. I wasn't gonna lie, without demi I was petrified, but Sonya and Adam were really kind, Adam was a little strict but he had to be so I couldn't blame him. After the interview Sonya began to talk about seeing me fight. "So, Sydney, we know that you run that business, however demi also mentioned that you had started as her sparring partner, is this correct?" I nodded "yes, it is, me and demi have been sparring for a few weeks now." She loomed few her notes "would it be okay if we maybe saw you in the ring, we've had demi film some but we want to see it in the flesh, you have some really great talent, of course if you need to we can let you get some gear from home. Just some gym gear for now." I smiled  "No that's okay, I have some with me, I can get my bag from demi if you want?" Sonya nodded and stopped me from leaving "I have just another question" Adams voice said from behind me, I turned to face him "You and demi, are you a thing?" I hesitated before answering "n-no, we're just friends, demi is still with Dimitri at the moment" I said a little nervous. He just nodded and excused me.

I got changed quickly and was guided to the ring, where I was met with demi, stood in th opposite corner. Sonya said that this was a trial match, one fall or submission, just to see what I can do. I was scared, demi was really good in the ring, but I knew her weak points. When Sonya declared go we immediately fought for dominance, grabbing hold of each other's arms.  She gained advantage when my foot slipped from under me, she drove me into the turnbuckles, before she could do anything else however, I jumped out of the way, placing my hands on her shoulders and performing a back stabber. She rolled off of my knees and before she had the chance to recover, I twisted her arm into the classic armbar, she immediately panicked and tried to escape, but I had it locked in tightly, if anyone in my classes knew, it was I have a deadly submission tactic. She pulled herself away from me, and tried to gain momentum, once again failing to gain the upper hand, I charged into her stomach, sending her straight to the floor. I twisted her foot into my legs, lifting her entire lower body off the ground as I pull myself up into an arch, there was no way that she was getting out of this and she knew it, so she tapped.

I let go of her and watched her rub the back of her legs to ease the pressure that I had put on them. I helped her up and saw Sonya and Adam staring in awe, completely shocked to see me fight in the flesh. "Thankyou Sydney we'll get back to you as soon as possible" was all Adam said before taking Sonya out of the room. In that moment, I thought I was definitely in the WWE but now I wasn't so sure, Adam's reaction was too, numb, to be good news. Demi noticed my disappointment and pulled my into her arms, with her I felt safe, I completely blanked from reality. She drove me home and sat with me until I cheered up a little, before leaving for her live event against Toni Storm. I really didn't think I would get the job, their reaction said it all. My eyes grew heavy as I closed my eyes for a quick nap.

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