⊹Τ𝗁ꪱᜒ𝗋𝗍ɣ 𝖲ꪱᜒ𝗑⊹

Start from the beginning

Ariana being the victim still doesn't accept the fact that killing him is not as bad as of her dying everyday piece by piece in fear of being touched without consent, of saying no multiple times with no stopping from other end, of not able to look at herself in the mirror when getting ready, of not wearing clothes she feels sexy in thinking people will see her scars.

What she doesn't know is that, they aren't scars but beautiful marks that scream that she fought, when any other girl would've been submissive. She doesn't know how beautiful she is with or without scars but specifically more beautiful with scars

I tilt her chin up, forcing her to look at me. "You didn't kill him. I did. It's on me, Ariana. Let it be on me, okay?" My eyes bore into hers, trying to force her to hear me. To accept what I'm saying.

Finally, she nods.

"Dad?" she whispers

"He's safe, sitting in the car outside." Alex replied from behind me, making us aware of his presence, his eyes bloodshot. He could've lost his two family members if Ariana was submissive. She exhales.

"Jungkook, take her outside. I'll get a crew up here to take care of this bastard."


"Stay with her"

"You got it." I tell him

I take Ariana's hand and intertwined with mine, she closes her eyes and exhales shakily. I place a hand on her lower back, so lightly that I'm barely brushing the fabric of her jacket, and guide her out of the room into the hallway she earlier walked in to.

Ariana is quiet beside me, wrapping her arms around her midsection and staring blankly at the white plaster wall. Part of me wishes she'd cling to me or seek out some comfort. But I know she's used to being independent.

-time skip-

It's dark out by the time we roll through the gates of her father's mansion that now look more safe than scary. Mr. Jonas and Alex are in the front seats. Ariana is curled up next to me. She seems remarkably calm. But still with tensed body.

I feel like a failure for everything she's been exposed to, but I also feel proud. She handled everything today better than most people would have, regardless of her fucked up past.

We stop in front of the house, and everyone climbs out of the warm car. I give Alex and Mr. Jonas tired smiles before walking inside with Ariana holding me with dead grip.

"We'll be down here if you need anything," Mr. Jonas says. I nod. I think he and Alex are waiting for me to fall apart, but I feel calm. I know I'm in some state of shocked disbelief. Not about the kidnapping or the fear for my safety though.

What also terrified me is that Ariana was gone. I had no idea what Daniel planned to do with me. There was a good chance he would kill me.

When we enter the house, there's more staff around than usual. I assume it means they know what happened.

"Are you hungry?" I ask Ariana as we walk deeper into the house.

She shakes his head. "No. I'm just tired."

"Okay." We head upstairs. It's strange, being back somewhere familiar. Like waking up from a nightmare to realize it was all in your imagination and you're actually in your own room. It's unsettling, realizing this looks familiar. Looks like home.

I help Ariana get ready for bed even though she's been old enough to do it herself for years, but I needed her to know that I was there and I am not going anywhere.

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