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I thought I knew you but I guess that was just another one of your lies

I woke up due to my phone blaring my ringtone. Meaning I'm being called right now at this godly hour. I groaned and picked up my phone without looking who called me. Which in retrospect was a dumb move.


"Finally I caught you. It was starting to look like you were avoiding and ignoring me but you wouldn't do that now would you Jisung?"

Shit it's her, her voice hasn't changed. She still sounds so bittersweet.

"What do you want?" I asked trying to mask my voice cold and not let the panic be heard in my voice. Because I am beyond panicking. It's a trauma response.

I could hear her chuckle. "I want to see you."

"No you don't."

I could hear her witch cackle and it sent shivers down my spine. "You're right about that I don't. I need money. I know you get child support from the state until 25, give me that money."

I scoffed. "And why would I do that?"

"Because I'm your mother and after everything I've done for you. I deserve this much!"

"No you don't. Don't call yourself my mother when you literally abandoned me, abused me and called me all these names and slurs. You don't deserve shit."

"Fucking faggot don't you dare talk back to me! I should've sent you to conversion therapy longer then what I did! If you don't give me the money I'll come for you Jisung."

"The only place you'll come for me is in court. You are not getting the money it's mine. If you reach out to me again I'll get the cops involved."

"What you think cuz you're staying with a cop now that you can act all tough like this? Don't think I don't know where you live bitch. Transfer me the money in 3 days or I'll go tell that boyfriend of yours what you really are." She threatened me and hung up.

I sat there frozen. She knew about Minho and she was going to go lie to him if I didn't transfer her the money.

Shit! I mentally cursed myself out. She found me and she's back in my life again. I got out of my bed as my wrist hurt way too much. I have to deal with things in the now before dealing with her.

I quickly showered and got dressed and pulled up my hoodie covering my face. I took some foundation with me along with my phone, keys. I had already blocked my card last night and checked my bank account. They hadn't done anything with it.

I walked downstairs and found Charlie at the table with a coffee in his hands. "Hey kiddo your friend left your wallet. He said you forgot it in his car."

"My wallet?" I asked as he handed me the wallet. "Yeah and I thought you said you were hanging out with Jessica and Angela."

"I was and I did, I ran into Minho there and we hung out some and he drove me home. I guess I must've left my wallet in his car. I'm going to see doctor Bang for my wrist as it hurts a bit. I'll see you tonight."

"Alright, call me if it's anything serious."

"I will, good luck on your case with the animal attack."

He nodded and I left to go to the hospital.

I parked my car and went to the reception. "Hi I was wondering if doctor Bang was here?"

"He is do you have an appointment dear?"

"Uh no I don't. You see yesterday I got into a little accident which made my wrist hurt more so I need to see the doctor asap. Can you see if he's available? Please?"

The woman let out a sigh and was about to speak when a voice interrupted her. "Jisung what brings you here today?"

I turned my head to the side and saw doctor Bang, his blonde curly hair a contrast to his rather paleish face and dark eyebags. That guy must not get any sleep. (He really doesn't.)

"My wrist hurt, I got into a small accident last night."

"He doesn't have an appointment sir." The receptionist chimed in.

"Ah yes Minho told me about the attempted mugging. I will take a look."

"But doctor Bang?"

"It's fine Geraldine. I have a free moment now anyways and this won't take long. Come with me Jisung."

"Right so nothing too serious. The hard hit with the floor caused the bones that are fractured to shove against each other. This will set back the healing process a bit but by the scan I can see that your bone didn't fracture any further. Right now you're just feeling the collision of the two fractured pieces."

(I know nothing of broken or fractured bones y'all.)

"I see thanks doc. So will I feel this pain a lot?"

"No you can take painkillers for it to subdue the pain and just don't move your wrist to much and it should be fine. As for the bruise on your face, just put on some cream and it should heal fine."

"Okay thank you again doctor Bang. Goodbye."

"Goodbye Jisung, drive safely."

I bowed and walked outside of the hospital after settling things at the reception.

I got into my car and turned on my radio.

Vampire by Olivia Rodrigo was playing and I was singing along on the top of my lungs.

"Bloodsucker, fame fucker bleeding me dry like a goddamn vampire."

Wait a minute "oh shit."

Dawn |Minsung|Where stories live. Discover now