Gun point

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My face was numb and tired from everything. I didn't even know why I still continued. Why I still fought. Why I still cared about the people that wanted to kill me, I should've just let them. I got nothing left here. Why was I still here.

My whole body was shaking. I didn't know why. I guessed my body had just given up.

Bill dragged my arm towards the red car. I couldn't understand how he had so much left in him. How he still didn't give up. How he still wanted to kill those people. I knew we had paid Mary a lot of money to kill these people but, still. Did we even have a chance.

Bill opened the front door and sat inside.

He closed the door, and I just stood there.

He looked at me confused in the window.

"Tom, just go inside the car. We're gonna kill those motherfuckers."

I chuckled a bit.

I went over to the other side and sat myself down.

I had no energy left, but I did this for him, for her.

I sat down and closed my eyes. I wanted to fall asleep and be stuck in a dream forever.

I could only hear the car noises and noises from bills leather gloves when turning the wheel.

It was dark and rainy outside.

I was wearing the leather jacket. The jacket I always had. The jacket that held memories.

I laid down and tried to fall asleep but it was impossible. Every time I closed my eyes, all I saw was her.

It was nothing in the whole world I wanted more than her.

I pushed my arms together, to make myself feel a little less lonely.

I could hear the rain drops fall on the windows.

I just wanted to feel her love again. I just wanted to feel her touch again. But I knew that she was gone.

"We're gonna find her. Okay?" Bill said low.

I didn't answer. I couldn't come up with anything. I felt as if I talked, I would cry. This lump in my throat was stuck.

"I really hate to see you like this." Bill finished.

I really didn't want him to feel worried for me. I hated that feeling. Knowing that it was my fault for him being worried.

I could hear a sniff from him.

I then opened my eyes and saw his teary eyes.

My whole body got shivers and I hated to see those tears in his eyes.

Like for a split second I saw little him sitting on the floor while mom would hit me.

Seeing the childish worry in his eyes whenever I got tore apart.

Seeing the 10 year old bill crying for me. Those eyes.

"Bill please don't cry." I pleaded while I sat up.

"Im not." He smiled, wiping off whatever was in his eyes.

A painter's game - Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now