Like i was some kind of puppy?

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July 5th 2010.

I walked out of the car and around me was pretty much only trees and grass. In front of me was a big mansion with small houses around it, like some kind of village. As I said before I was new to this place and wasn't familiar with it. Tom had just parked and was walking towards me and came closer. I was kind of scared of him in a way, he was muscular and much taller than me. he was also a complete stranger. I knew it was wrong to get into a strangers car and following him home however I really didn't care at this point. I was pretty good at self défense and right now I really needed money. Of course I was sceptical of this new job because it didn't even require any kind of education however, since he was a private person that was not necessarily.

He stood in front of me and stared into my green eyes while starting to talk.

"Here, this is my place and you will be working here" he said.

I nodded and followed him inside.

The Mansion looked quite old but also fresh, the door was a brown dark wood colour. He tapped in some code and then opened it. The inside was big and a Victorian carpet was laying on the floor. The room was decorated with paintings, trophées, tables and some fancy stools. He walked over to a big table with some papers on them. He sat down and pointed to a stool for me to sit down. I sat down and he started to put the papers in a drawer and kind of hiding them. I didn't think much about it. He put them away and started talking.

"So as I said you will be painting for me, you can also live here if you want, it's a great deal. Tho you have to paint for me whenever I tell you too."

He said kind of determined. I was shocked of his determination but could also understand it.

"Yes of course I mean it's really kind of you to let me live here, it's almost too good to be true, what more should I do?" I answered him.

"You will be staying in the older houses in a guest room. You will also get free breakfast"

I was really sceptical at this point but he seemed legit about it. His face was pretty serious right now and I had so many questions.

"This is very kind, first of all whats your full name Tom?" I asked sceptical.

He smirked once again and said confidently "Tom Kaulitz".

I had never heard that sur name before and smiled.

"We'll then Tom Kaulitz show me around"

He smiled, stood up and so did I. We walked around the mansion and I saw different rooms. He didn't show me everything though in the mansion which I thought was a bit weird. Cause everytime we passed a room he didn't show me, he sort of flinched, like he was hiding something but kept his confidence. We walked outside to a smaller house that seemed older.

"Here, Eselin."

I froze. I literally froze. I didn't say a word. It was like all question came through my mind but was not able to ask them nor talk. How the fuck did he know my name. I realised I never even told him my name, or did I? I then calmed down and convincing myself I had told him my name the day before because I had never seen him before yesterday. I sighed and calmed down. He looked at me confused, probobly thinking that I'd seen a ghost

"Uh you okay? Looks like you disappeared there for a second" Tom said.

I laughed it off and said "yes I'm sorry".

I grabbed the keys and nodded.

"Well move in whenever you want to. You will get your prize at the end of the month depending on how well you paint and behave"

Behave? I thought. What did he mean by behave? Like I was some kind of dog.. I gave him a uncomfortable smile and nodded

"Uh and what will I paint for you exactly? Will I paint you or?" I asked.

"Yes pretty much.. you will see" he smirked.

I was a little uncomfortable at this point. Tom was about to say something when a tall man walked behind him causing him to look back, I was curious so I also looked behind him to see the other guy, his brother, Bill. Bill was a little bit shorter than Tom and also slimmer. They were identical twins but there was a lot of differences. Bill had long black hair with some eyeliner. His style was unique. And Tom was Taller, muscular, black braids and more plain baggy style. I also thought that the both was really attractive but I was not looking to dating any of them. I mean they were pretty much my bosses now and I wasn't looking to fall in love. And as rich and attractive as they are, both definitely has a girlfriend I thought. Bill walked beside Tom and smiled at me

"welcome, you're the girl from the cafe!" Bill said

"Yeah haha I am, I have painted all my life so I'm looking forward to This" I answered.

"That's good, we haven't found a proper painter and p-" he stopped and just smiled.

I was confused at him stopping his sentence but I didn't really care so I just smiled. I looked over at Tom while he gave Bill an annoyed look.

"Tom probably told you but me and him live in the mansion, workers and other people live around in the village."

Bill said. I wanted to ask what their Job was but I didn't want to seem rude so I was just quiet and nodded.

"Shall we start painting tonight, Eselin?" Tom said.

The way he said my name made me wince a bit yet I didn't know why.

"I'm sorry I can't tonight.. I recommend we do it tomorrow when all my stuff is in the house and have more energy" I said.

He stared at me for a second looking upset. Like he was disappointed but also a bit angry.

"You see, I was hoping you would start painting tonight, I'm not a patient person." He said determined.

I was kind of offended that he didn't let me get some rest or respect me. I knew now that he was gonna be one of those bosses that just controls you around and won't let you even have a break. The kind of boss you'll remember.

"Oh I understand but could you let me rest for tonight?" I say trying to sound respectful.

He sighed and looked at me.

"Sure I will let you have some rest but be done at 1 o'clock tomorrow noon." Tom said while crossing his arms.

"Thank you sir." I felt like I was being treated like a puppy, I already wanted to quit but I had to give it a chance.

Tom started to smirk by my words. Bill also started to grin a little. I now felt a bit ashamed of what i just said. Why did i say sir, i felt so embarressed.

A painter's game - Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now