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We drove thru the forest and now into the big city. It was cold so I was worried that she would freeze.

She kept having her arms around me. I could tell she was sleepy but I wanted her to have some sort of fun since she didn't feel good.

We drove past some traffic and then I parked the motorcycle.

I got off to lock it.

She started to put off her helmet so I was now able to see her face. She got off the motorcycle while I reached out for her hand.

I grabbed her pale hand while she got off. She stood on the ground while pressing her arms together. She looked around a bit confused and scared.

"Where are we going?" She asked.

"Well um, I dunno yet." I said while looking into her sweet green eyes.

I tried to give her a gentle smile but she didn't smile back.

We started waking on the sidewalk of the city. There were some people around so I hoped that didn't stress her.

She walked behind me like a paranoid cat. I didn't know why she was like this all of a sudden?

I didn't know what could help but we passed by a bar so we walked inside. We sat down and I asked the bartender to give us two drinks.

"Are you feeling any better?" I asked her while the bartender gave us our drinks.

I took a sip of mine but she just held and looked at hers.

She didn't answer either.

"Are you gonna drug me with this?" She said completely serious.

"What?" I asked. Did she really think I was gonna drug her.

She then looked at me and suddenly laughed.

"Stop brainfucking me Es" I laughed.

She then drank it in an heartbeat. She slammed the glass down.

"Give me more" she demanded.

The bartender looked at me and I nodded.

He gave her another one and she immediately shotted it.

"Es calm down." I said while taking her glass.

"What's wrong with you?" I said worried.

She just gave me that look. That look she always gave me. I never understood it.

I took out some money from my pocket and handed it to the bartender.

I grabbed her arm and walked out.

We walked thru the city while I held her arm a bit frustrated. I was so zoned out that I didn't even think about what I was doing.

Suddenly I saw a silhouette of bill waking down a few stairs around the corner.

I couldn't see his face, only his hair and back waking down the stairs quickly.

I followed the guy and walked down the stairs with Eselin behind me.

We were now downstairs and I realised it was a big party with crowded people and loud music.

I looked around, trying to find Bill.

I then looked behind me to check up on her. I snapped once I saw her face.

She looked terrified with tears in her eyes.

She looked around the room like she'd seen a ghost. Fuck.

"No, no, no.." I said getting nearer her.

I placed my arms around her ears while she cried on my chest. Why was she suddenly so overwhelmed around crowded places.

A painter's game - Tom KaulitzTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon