You belong to me

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When the figure opened the door I realised it was Tom. My face turned into anger and I ran into him, punching his body and trying to get thru and out of the door but it was impossible. He was too strong. I whined as I struggled. Tom then held my waist and pushed me to the cold ground. I grunted and tried to fight back. He came closer and suddenly took out a pocket knife from his pocket. This made me humbled and I crawled against the wall. I was scared that he might hurt me. He came closer and sat towards me while grinning.

"Let me out of here, cunt!" I spat at him with shake in my voice.

He suddenly took the knife against my throat. Pushing it, playing with death basically. That made me quiet.
I froze and my eyes started to well up but i tried to hold back the tears.

"not so cocky now huh?" Tom laughed at me.
He smiled while he stared at me.
While he grinned he looked into my green eyes.
My eyes was filled with tears and I knew he had power over me but I wouldn't give him it. He pushed the knife a bit more and if he pushed any more, I would be dead. A tear fell down my cheek as I was gasping for air. I tried so hard to not cry but I couldn't help it.

"Awhh don't cry with those eyes" Tom said as he let go of my throat.

He stood up facing my body. And I looked down at the ground while whining.

"Pathetic" Tom said before grabbing my arm

At this point I was so scared and weak so I didn't try to fight back. So I just gave in so he could be able to drag me outside of the room. He then dragged me into another room, I opened my eyes and there Katie layed down on a silky Bed. She was only wearing a robe to cover her body. I glanced over to the other side of the room and there was a canvas and painting materials. I now knew what he wanted me to do. He pushed me to the art materials and then walked over to Katie. I sat down, I didn't cry now but my eyes were still red. I rubbed my eyes and looked over at them.
Tom had started to undress and made out with Katie. Before I knew it they were really getting into it. I felt embarrassed and just looked at the canvas. I would not paint them. I will never paint him. I just stared at the canvas without saying anything. All I could hear was kissing noises and the bed moving. I glanced over quickly to them and suddenly Tom looked over at me while making out with Katie. I flinched as our eyes met each others. He was looking at me and I couldn't look away, it was like they locked. I was surprised how Tom would let me se his naked body just like that. They were really getting into it.

"Start painting" Tom growled

I didn't say a word. Just stared at the canvas. I refused to paint. I heard some noises and then saw him walk over to me

"I'll let this slide but as you know im not a patient person." Tom said roughly.

"You know I don't paint explicit paintings anymore." I said at him but not facing him

I could feel his body standing over me looking right at me

"You're quite the liar aren't you? I went thru your house yesterday and it was full with nasty sketches, pervert." Tom growled at me.

I was speechless. I heart them walk away and I felt so embarrassed.
I stared at the empty canvas. He gave me all these expensive drawing materials. I stood on my feet to touch the canvas and I could also feel that it was expensive.
All that for an explicit drawing? As I stared at the canvas. All I could think about was Toms face. His dark eyes staring right at me. Him, staring at me while making love to another woman. But it made me so tense. Before I knew it I had started to paint. My mind was in another world and I couldn't stop painting. It was like someone had taking control over my body. All I thought about was Toms muscular body heating up while staring right at me. His dark hair laying beautifully on his back and his boney hands on one of her boob. I had memorised everything. I then snapped to realise I had painted it. And it was detailed too.

"Fuck, what did I do?!" I screamed.

How could I do this to myself. I had given Tom control and let him power over me. I promised not to paint anything like this ever again. I sat down again whining. I then laye'd down and fell asleep. 

Tom walked into the room while I was dead asleep. He stood over my body and looked at me, then glancing at the painting. He smiled and walked towards it.
He put his hands gently on the canvas as he was admiring it. His eyes started to twinkle and his smile was wide. Kind of sweet and not as scary.


I woke up to sunlight hitting my face. I grunted as I sat up and rubbed my head. I realised it was early in the morning and I had fallen asleep in his room, but there was no one here. I stood up and walked towards the door, scared of what could pop up. I touched my neck and it still stinged from the needle. I looked at my right and there was a mirror. I walked towards it and looked at my neck. I now had bruises and scars on my neck.
"Agh.." I grunted as I touched my neck gently. It hurt even more. My mascara was smudged and my hair was all over the place. I ran thru the hallway and I could hear people talking. I then slowed down and sneaked towards the wall. I could see Bill but only hear Tom. A bookshelf was in the way. I eavesdropped and heard them talk.

"What do you want us to do with her Tom??. She's an innocent girl." Bill said frustrated

"Just follow my lead, I know what I'm doing. She's pretty and good at her skill, it won't be hard, I'll tame her" Tom replied

Tame? All they do is treat me like a dog. What was their problem? Who was he to talk to people like that. I will not let him do whatever he wants with me. I was going to run back into the room but I tripped and fell causing it to make a sound. I moaned as I fell and hit my neck. I had closed my eyes for a second and then I opened them again to see Tom standing over my body.

"You're also stalking us now?" Tom laughed . 

He saw my hand was on my neck and realised I was in pain.

"Let me see that" Tom now said with pity.

I was surprised at his actions. I continued to hold my hand while being angry at him. I was still laying down.

"No you're the one who did this." I yelled at him.
I started to sit up but Tom grabbed my hand. I looked up into his now light brown eyes. The sun hit his face but he didn't seem bothered by it. He looked at my neck as I released my hand. I could now see in his face that he was serious, like he cared about me in a way. He put his hand on my chin to make it easier for him to see my bruises. I felt something. I didn't know what it was. He just looked at my neck while I was staring at his eyes. Tom sighed and stood up.

"Stay here, okay?" Tom said gently.

I just sat there surprised at what had happend. It was like Tom was different. Tom walked away and I waited patiently looking into the dark, looking for him with my eyes. After a while I heard footsteps and I saw Tom walk over. I looked up and saw he was carrying some kind of cream.

"What's that." I said backing away.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you. I'm going to help you." Tom said calmly.

He sat down towards me and started to put the cream on my neck. I smiled a bit. I felt so safe when he did this. He was so gentle and calm. It was a bit scary though, his hand were so strong and big that he could punch me any second and I would be dead. But he didn't. He stopped and then took out a pill.

"Here, this will get rid of the pain." Tom said while looking into my eyes.

I was tempted, because how could I trust him after everything he did to me. But I took it and swallowed it.

"Good job" Tom said as he stood up.

I was still sitting down and I could feel him over me staring at me.
I didn't know if I was scared or felt safe in a way.

A painter's game - Tom KaulitzOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora