But were she ever found

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As the water rise and blood dripping, I had closed my eyes. Everything was quiet. It was like I was all alone in the world. I could not hear anything anymore, and I didn't want to. I wanted to be like this forever. Even the pain stinger in my wrist, it helped me escape from reality.

I hadn't even noticed that water had spilled from the bathtub and all over the bathroom floor.

I just laid there, hoping everything was like this forever.

Bills pov

I was worried about her. I really was. But I knew I shouldn't. It was Toms girl. But he hurt her, a lot. I could see that she wanted to disappear. Her eyes filled with agony and fear. All I wanted to do was protect her and hold her in my arms. But Tom wouldn't like that..

Me and Tom argued about the situation. We always argued in German, and we didn't want her to understand

"Why are you helping that bitch" Tom yelled in German.

"She was fucking bleeding out!" I replied.

"Don't you realise she's gonna escape? But if she doesn't have any strengths, she'll be under my control" Tom screamed.

I went quiet. I didn't want to argue. It was unnecessary. So I just walked over to the bathroom, to check up on her. She had been gone for a while. I could hear the water still streaming on in the bathtub. Oh no. I looked down to see light red water crawling under the door and on my shoes.

"No no no Fuck!" I screamed. Making me nervous. I was stressed. What had happened?

"ESELIN! Open the door" I shouted.

I was so worried. Why were there blood? I was worried she had hurt herself. that was possible.

"Tom! Eselin wont come out of the bathroom" i screamed for Tom in fear. Afraid that we didn't have much time.

Tom came running, he looked confused and actually a bit worried.

We successfully broke the lock. We broke the door making me see her.
It felt like everything went in slow motion as I saw her unconscious bloody body laying in the bathtub. Her arm filled with blood and dripping. The water was still flowing over. My heart sank. I was so worried for Eselin.


Toms PoV

My eyes filled with worry as I saw her unconscious face laying in the bathtub with blood dripping everywhere.

I ran over to her as I started to drag her out of the bathtub, making water splash everywhere, but I didn't care. Her arm was dragging on the floor as blood came out of the scars of her wrist. I could see pain in her face even though she was unconscious. She was destroyed. Making me realise I had done that. I could see all the bruises on her body. One part of me was kind of worried and felt bad for the pain I had brought her, but the other part of me felt proud, I had marked her, she was mine. But the scars, that was different. The bright red blooded gushing out made something hurt inside of myself. Her sweet innocent face made me want to save her and help her forever. But I couldn't.

We laid her down on the floor as we quickly wrapped her arm. The scars triggered me alot. I knew what I had done that to her, it was because of me. I looked over at Bill who looked more worried than ever. I knew he was a lot more sensitive than me but, I had never seen more fear in his eyes ever before. He didn't even look at me. All his eyes was attached to her, it triggered me. He felt so much for her, but so did I.
Her dark brown curly hair and green eyes was something different. It was something about her.

The way her eyes clenches when she smiled

The way her vampire teeth shows when she laughed, I wanted to see them again. I wanted to see that glimpse in her eyes when she's happy. When she looked at me, like she trusted me. Even though it felt good, I didn't feel in control.
I wanted to hold her hand as she felt safe with me. But I was the one hurting her. I couldn't see that glimpse in her eyes anymore. She used to be happy, my Eselin. She used to be, different.

It was like, after that day she thought I died, she got lost, and she was never found.

I carried her light body in a towel up the stairs. I couldn't stop looking at her wrapped arm. And the dried blood. From both the wound in her waist and now wrist.. i didn't forget the choke mark i left on her neck. And bruises on her wrists. It all made me feel different things.
I carried her up the stairs to a living room with a big room with a king sized bed. There was another single room one floor up. I managed to carry her at the last floor were there only was one room. The room had windows around it, making the view beautiful. It was around midnight. I laid her on the soft bed as her face softly landed on the blanked. I sat down beside her as I watched the sun hide behind some cliffs and mirror on the lake water. It was a peaceful full night, even though it was a storm here. I looked at her weak body one last time before walking down the stairs and meeting bill.

"I wanna see her." He said.

"Why? She's alright, don't waste your worry on her, she's not dying." I replied.

"She wanted to kill herself, how do you not get that." Bill scoffed.

I hadn't thought about that. I knew she had don't it because of me, but kill herself?

"Of course I know, i have it in control." I lied.

Bill gave me a glare before walking up the stairs up to her room.

Making me think of them in the same room made me a bit pissed. I knew he liked her. But fuck i wasn't gonna let that happen. Katie had told me about Bill helping Eselin when she was bleeding out, it made me pissed. He made my plan fucked. He fucked with her brain.

"That attention whoreee" i Heard Katie laugh inside the big room.

I didn't laugh or reply.

I could see Katie walk out of the door and walking over to me. Her hair shined as the light hit her head, and that pink lipgloss too.

"You're really wasting your time on her you know.. she doesn't even want to have sex" she giggled.

I looked at her face as I felt disgusted. I remembered that I had tricked Eselin into sex. Well I was being honest but she fell for it.

As she was clinging on me made me want to punch her. I didn't really want Katie. She couldn't understand me. I just wanted sex, she knew that, but I was still hers. But she was definitely not mine. She didn't know about the Kit thing, she just thought I kept her for painting, stupid jealous slut.

I pushed her off of me

"I do whatever the fuck I want with her" I scoffed.

She looked confused at my words.

"Cmon Tom, you know she's just a pet." She rolled her eyes.

"Like you're any better" I said as I pushed her aside.

(Omg y'all's comments r too funny)

A painter's game - Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now