"Well, I missed you. Want to do some CPR on me?"

"Sean, what did I say to you, not so long ago?" Mr.Blackbourne says coming forward to us.

"Sean, you have to start behave" Sean says, mimicking Mr.Blackbournes tone.

"I am behaving. I just escorts Pookie to the pool, so that no one we don't know comes to kidnap her."

"Mhm. Take my hand Ms.Sorenson and I will escort you. Sean, you can go get the beverages from the kitchen."

"Thank you Mr.Blackbourne, that's nice of you." I say and put my hand in his elbow.

Turning the corner I can see the boys, some lounging in the sun chairs and some in the pool playing around. When they saw me the shouting started.


"Sang Baby"




"Hi guys."

"Thank good you're her Aggele. I was starving to death waiting for you."

"Well, now I'm here. Why don't you and North start the grill? Nathan and I will make the salad, and Kota can make the potato salad?"

"Sounds like a deal. I knew there was a reason I liked you Cupcake. Gabe come into the pool with me!" Luke shouts from the pool with a grin on his face.

"I know Luke. But I saved the best for last - you can figure out what to have for dessert!" I say and stick out my tongue to him.

"Aww. Sang why? Well, better me than North. And put that tongue away, or I will find a better use for it."

"Hey, don't tell Sang Baby things like that you fucker." North bellow and smacks Lukes head in the back.

"Behave North Star, I can manage. Now chop chop, I'm hungry." I say and turn around walking to the patio door.

"Mhm, I am hungry for something as well." I can hear behind me, and then a loud smack.

Twenty minutes later we sits around the table stuffing our mouths full. Silas is as usual the last one finishing.

"Mr. Taylor what's for dessert?" Mr.Blackbourne asks when we starts to clean the table.

"Chocolate Lava Cake with vanilla ice cream." Luke replies and sends me a wink.

"Ok, do you need any help?"

"That's Ok Mr.Blackbourne. I can do it by myself."

"Ok, well. Do we want to swim some more or find a movie inside to watch?" Mr.Blackbourne asks, but I can clearly see that he wants to go inside.

"Oy, we are not finished out here. I bought Trouble a bikini for today - so we have to swim some more. I laid the bikini on Nathans bed, go put it on." He says and winks at me.

What on earth did he do that for?

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