Chapter 40 Falling again

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***time lapse***

It has been 5 years since the babies were born and life has been good on the ground now that peace had finally been achieved. The earth still held dangers but mostly from the wild animals that still roamed the woods, forever altered by the radiation released generations ago

Little Callisto, the firstborn child on the ground, has her mothers laughter and headstrong personality. She also has a little brother named Caius Jake Blake.

Unfortunately they can't visit camp Jaha as much as they would like now that Octavia is the new commander.

Indra had died of a venomous snake bite 2 years ago while they were in the far south negotiating for trade in the badlands.

The Wind Clan merged with the Tree Kru and Echo is Octavia's second in command. It was a good merge as the Wind Clan are a more peaceful people despite their abilty to fight

In a rare twist of fate, Echo ended up married to Murphy, who changed for the better when he met her. They are expecting their first child before the fall harvest.

Raven and Wick have a little son named Daniel Blade. He will turn 3 next month and he is smart and fearless. His first word was "wrench"
Ok maybe not but it should have been. He always watches Raven when she is building something or taking it apart to Wick's amusement.

Jasper had grown out of his awkward phase and was a strong, fair man. He met a sweet girl from the Wind clan named Chloe. They are planning to marry in the fall.

Finn had been killed in a landslide while out hunting, his body was not recovered.

Clarke is the Chancellor now. Abby officially stepped down because the grounders had always recognized Clarke as the leader of the Sky people.
Abby has remained on the council though along with Kane, Bellamy, and to everyone's surprise, Jasper.

The twins, BellaMia and Antony were a handful.
Mia, looked like her mom with golden curls, blue eyes and her dads freckles across her nose. She was sweet, but like both parents, stubborn to a fault.

Tony looked like a mini Bellamy complete with the Blake smirk. He already possessed the charm of his dad too. Clarke shook her head. Watch out girls. She smiled to herself.

They have a little sister named Aurora Skye who is 3 with dark curls and blue eyes and Clarke is pregnant again but hasn't told Bellamy yet...

Clarke POV

The men had gone on a hunting and trading trip and they had been gone for a week.

Clarke was thankful for her large family. A luxury she never would have had on the Ark. Taking care of three young children and being the Chancellor was a lot of work.

They had a school now. It was run by a girl named Gemma and Harper helped her. They had a plan that when the children got older they could work as apprentices to learn the skills they would need to survive.

Clarke was exhausted and was taking the opportunity for a much needed nap instead of lunch. She was unaware of how long she slept until...



"Princess...time to wake up"

Her eyes suddenly fly open as she realizes Bellamy is there and she still has to pick the kids up from school...

"Relax, princess" he chuckles, reading her mind. My mom and your dad have the kids.

She sighs then smiles in relief. "I guess I slept longer than I thought."

He brushes the hair from her face gently and pauses with his hand on her cheek staring into her blue eyes.

After nearly 6 years of marriage Bellamy still thought Clarke was beautiful. A bit headstrong at times, but that was just one of the things he loved about her. Right now though, he was worried. She looked exhausted.

"Are you feeling ok princess? You're not sick are you? "

She shakes her head then hugs him. "I missed you. When did you get back? " she asks taking note that the sun is now hanging low in the sky.

He pulls back a little to look at her with concern. "Long enough to get cleaned up and get dinner started."

For the first time she smells the food and her stomach growls. Bellamy laughs. "Did you skip lunch again?"

She knows it will do no good to deny it so she nods. "It was an accident though, I fell asleep. .."

He rolls his eyes and before he can yell at her she puts a finger to his lips.
"I'm sorry Ok?" She says looking at him trying not to be distracted by the nearness of him.

He nods after a minute and then kisses her on the nose. "Did you get enough sleep?" He asks gently.

She moves to get out of bed but she feels a wave of dizziness hit her and she starts to fall. Bellamy catches her easily the look of concern on his face starting to grow.


"I'm fine Bellamy."

He doesn't loosen his hold. "You don't seem that way." He draws a breath, "Maybe you should go see your mom?" He asks gently

She shakes her head, "I already know what it is" she says with a small smile lighting her face.

"What is it? What's wrong?" He asks worridly.

She rests her hands on his chest and looks him in the eyes letting a wide smile cross her face.

"You're going to be a daddy again!"

She can see the concern fall away from his face to be replaced with sheer joy and that smile she loves the best.

That look takes her breath away and she doesn't have time to catch it before he is kissing her and she can feel herself falling all over again.



Well that's the end! I wanted to end with happy Bellarke!
Thanks for reading my first fan fic ever. I hope you enjoyed it! :)

I can't lose you...(editing)#wattys2015حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن