chapter 38 The Commander

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Clarke POV

It happened so quickly, no one saw it coming.

As Lexa raised her knife for the kill, Indra deflected it with her right hand at the last second while quickly drawing another knife from her boot with her left hand and plunging it into Lexa's side!

As Lexa freezes, a look of shock on her face, she drops her knife and Indra stabs her again.

"Your fight is over now" she mutters while the light fades from Lexa's eyes.

Everything is in slow motion after that. The drums stop. Dante screams running to Lexa's side. Thankfully her daughter Kaia was not present.

After a moment of stunned silence the crowd of Grounders erupt in a new chant.

"Heda Indra! Heda Indra!"

I look at Bellamy unsure of what to do.

Dante and a few of the grounders gather Lexa's body and prepare to carry it back to the Grounder Village for the funeral fire.

Lincoln and Octavia were already congratulating Indra on her victory. I suddenly remembered my manners and dragged Bellamy with me to offer our congratulations to our new ally.

"Indra.." I begin.

"Clarke" she answers, "I can't make the past right, but I consider our Alliance in force. I will send Octavia back in a few days to discuss details" she says shaking my hand.

"Octavia isn't coming back with us?" Bellamy asks.

Indra shakes her head. "She is my second. I need her with me for now." she pauses. "Please know that I will honor any alliances you make with the visiting clans. It will not hinder our alliance. Because of Octavia, Lincoln and their child we should be considered one people now."

With that she turns to leave, with Lincoln and Octavia following.


Octavia POV

Now that Indra is the new Commander, I am her second in command. It is a lot of responsibility. Indra may have defeated Lexa in the challenge but she needs to be strong to maintain her leadership. Lincoln is not only my husband but my personal bodyguard. Indra's new guard is a grounder named Jax.

After Lexa's defeat, Dante and Kaia went to live in Polis. Indra would have allowed them to remain with us, but they thought it best to leave.

Once Indra felt confident that her leadership was secure, she allowed me to return to camp Jaha until the birth of of my baby. While I was gone a Grounder named Calliope would act in my stead as Indra's second in command.

The past 2 months had been a flurry of activity, we had formed solid alliances with the Wind Clan,the Sea Clan and were currently working towards one with the Desert Clan. Until Indra became the Commander, I had not realized how Lexa had kept us cut off from the other clans.

Now that there are other alliances, once the warmer weather comes, it will be nice to be able to travel and visit the other clans, gain new knowledge, see new things. Maybe we could see the ocean.

The Skai Kru were now like an extension of the Tree Kru and both settlements were eagerly awaiting the birth of my baby which was fast approaching. Our child would blood bond our alliance by being the first child that was both from the Earth and Sky.

I was now in my eighth month and with winter firmly settled in we were staying at camp Jaha to be close to my family for the birth. It was harder for me to get around and I was thankful my mom was around to help. She was excited for her first of two expected grand children.

Lincoln fussed over me when my mom wasn't around, but my brother was in full on protective mode. If he so much as saw me outside alone now that winter was in full swing he was on me in a minute to make sure I was warm, dry and did not slip on the ice.

The only place I really went anymore was to visit Clarke, who was now in her fifth month. Watching Bellamy fuss over the two of us together was comical and we would tease him mercilessly, until he would finally relax a bit; only to start fussing again if one of us so much as sneezed. Mom would come with me on these visits and share stories of how Bell would fuss over her when he was little and she was pregnant with me. Hearing these stories made Clarke and I laugh and he would duck his head in embarassment until Clarke kissed him on the cheek in apology, eyes shining in amusement.

During this time we would all stay for dinner and Dad, Abby and Kane would join us after camp duties were done for the day.

When I was growing up on the Ark, hidden under the floor, I never thought I would ever have a child of my own, let alone have a large family. Life on earth was good.

My mom split her time taking care of both Clarke and I but as my time drew closer she spent most of her time with me. I had experienced false labor twice now, and Abby had me on house lockdown as she said the baby could come at any time. Lincoln only left the house, to get food, water and firewood, and only if my mom was awake.


Several days after my house lockdown orders, I awoke from a fitful sleep, my face covered in sweat. I was unable to get comfortable. Lincoln stirred next to me.
"Are you alright?" he asked, concerned. "Do you want me to get your mother?"
I gasped, grabbing his hand as the first contraction took hold of me unable to answer until it passed. When it was over he got up dressed quickly and left the room to get my mother without a word.

She came quickly, having been awake already, I heard the front door close. "Lincoln left to get Abby. " she explained wiping the damp hair from my forehead. "Try to get some rest, while I put some water on to heat" I nodded and laid back closing my eyes, while she began to bustle around the room.

When I opened my eyes sometime later, Abby was there examining me, while my mom was getting fresh cloths ready. I could hear deep voices in the kitchen and could only assume Lincoln was there with, Bell and maybe my dad.

Clarke POV

We were awakened by a quick knock on the door, Bellamy dressed quickly and went to answer it. At the sound of Lincoln's voice I got out of bed, much more slowly due to my expanding waist and started to dress also, ever thankful that my mother in law was a seamstress.

When I finally made my way into the kitchen, Bellamy was just closing the door. He looked at me a little shell shocked. "Lincoln says its time..."

"Octavia is in labor? " I asked. he nodded mutely. "Well..?" I said when I went to grab my cloak and boots and he still hadn't moved. "Bellamy?"


"Shouldn't you get your coat and boots?" I prompted.

He nodded and sprang into action and was out the door before I had even managed to get one boot tied.

I sighed and rolled my eyes in amusement when he came back in looking sheepish. "Sorry princess." he said quickly. "Do you need some help?"
he added, bending to help with my other boot. I shook my head, heaven help me when it is our turn.

"Bell" I began as he eased me over the icy terrain in the short walk to Octavia's, "You know you need to keep Lincoln calm right?"

He smirked at me a little distractedly, "Don't worry princess, I'm sure O will be fine." he says answering the question in his own head.

I gave up and shook my head as we made our way into the warm kitchen to await the newest member of our family.



So I am thinking this story has only a few chapters left. Not sure yet if I want to do a sequel or an AU fic. Let me know what you guys think. Thanks for the reads and votes! You are all awesome!

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