Chapter 10 Shattered part 1

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Clark POV

Lincoln had just informed me of Lexa's plans.  Which really just amounts to her waiting until the northern clan attacks us and then Lexa's people will attack from two sides. 

They have been setting snares all day. Raven is on point, between the bullets and her landmines I am glad her skill is on our side.

I am actually feeling confident.  Everyone who is able has been training with the grounders for a month prior to this threat, at least we won't be sitting ducks.  Everyone has their weapons within arms reach at all times as we don't know when we will be attacked.  I just wish Bellamy were awake for this.  So far about 10 people have come down sick, but that's all, thanks to the potion from Andu. Although I am tired I need to check on Bellamy.

As I enter the med bay, I see my mom sitting and resting for a moment. "How is he?" I ask.

"He'll be ok, his fever is broken and he is mumbling in his sleep. We were able to get him to drink some of the potion so I am hoping he should wake by dawn."

"What about Dante?"

"He is stable but may take longer to wake up.  The others aren't nearly as bad.  The are just hear as a precaution"  my mom says quietly.

I am relieved and leave her to go and sit by Bellamy for awhile.  As I look at him laying there I take my hand and rub the hair from his forehead and hear him mumble something about "that space walker" and I smile in spite of myself. Then I hear him say, " Clarke" and, "don't leave me" and my smile fades. I lay my head on his stomach and just wait for him to wake.

Several hours later...

I must have fallen asleep,  I wake up feeling a hand on my hair, "Princess?"

I lift me head and look into Bellamy's brown eyes.  "Feeling better?" I ask, relieved.

He nods.  "How long was I out?" As he tries to sit up.

"Only a day"  I reply, and as I start to fill him in on what he has missed we hear an explosion from the Northern perimeter that shatters the peaceful morning.

We both jump up, "They're coming I shout!" and start to make my way outside. 

Bellamy grabs my arm.

"Where do you think you're going? "

"We're being attacked! "

"What about the baby?" He asks, incredulous.

"We don't have time to argue!" I shout as I  pull away to see where the threat is.

"Dammit Clarke!"  Bellamy yells as he jumps up,  grabs his gun and follows me.

Bellamy POV

"Abby, bolt the door! "  I yell as I follow Clarke outside.

It is complete chaos. 

Everyone is running and preparing to fight. Lincoln and Indra are at the ready, just outside the med bay.

Intruders have entered the camp and people are already fighting, gunshots sound and fists are flying.  I momentarily lose sight of Clarke as someone takes a swing at me...

Lexa POV

At the first explosion, my people wait hidden until we see the rebels start to enter the camp.  I give the signal and my people attack from both sides, but I hang back slightly,  keeping an eye out for the only two people I actually loathe.  Nox and Diana.

If I have guessed correctly she wants to kill Dante, but only when she knows I am there to witness it.  She wants to shatter my soul...

Clarke POV

I rush outside before Bellamy can stop me and the fighting is everywhere, Octavia is fighting not too far away,  and without hesitating I rush to help her and soon I am involved in a fight of my own...

Diana POV

I should have  known Lexa would risk her people to protect her precious Dante.   Trusting a strange clan at that.   She is weak and should not be a leader. When I defeat her I will be the leader as I always should have been.  But for now, how to get to the med bay?  I looked for Nox, but he was busy fighting with Lincoln.   No matter, there are other ways.  I thinj ro myself as I look around and notice the one they call Clarke fighting with her back to me.  She is one of the leaders and my spies tell me she is with child.  

This may be easier than I thought...

Clarke POV

I had just won my battle and had a moment to look around.   Most of the fighting was over and it was looking like we had defeated the rebels. 

We should probably start tending the wounded. 

That was my last thought before I was grabbed from behind and I felt a knife at my stomach.   "Hello Clarke"  I heard some one whisper in my ear, "My name is Diana and if you listen to me I may let you and your child live!" 

In that moment all I could think about was my baby...

Lexa POV

I had managed to fight my way into the camp, when I finally spotted Diana, I was right, she was headed for Dante...I had to kill her before she killed him and end this once and for all.  But before I could make a move she grabbed Clarke...

Bellamy POV

The fighting was over for the most part and I paused to look around for Clarke.  Fear gripped my heart and I froze in my tracks as I saw she was being held at knifepoint by a grounder....

I can't lose you...(editing)#wattys2015Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin