Chapter 23 Jake and Aurora

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Clarke POV

As I stood there with my mouth hanging open and the tears threatening to spill, my mom chooses this moment to find her voice.

That isn't usually a good thing.

"Jake?!! What the hell?" She yells, pushing me aside so that she can look my dad in the eye. He tears his eyes away from me to look at mom with a mixture of sadness, regret and maybe a hint of anger. He blinks calmly and waits for her to continue. We both know how she is when she's on a roll.

"We spent almost two years thinking you had been floated and you have been on earth the whole time? What is going on? Why didn't you try to contact us when we first landed?" She pauses to catch her breath unable to keep the hurt out of her voice as the tears start to trickle down her face.

He looks at her and sighs, "If you are done Abby, then you need to calm down and breathe." He replies and then gestures to both of us to sit down. "We have a lot to talk about."

As I glance at the woman whom I assume is Bellamy's mother, I think that has to be the understatement of the century.

Jake POV

As I watch both of them sit down I follow suit glancing at Aurora as I do. I am glad she is here for this, but at the same time I realize this won't be easy for any of us.

"I just want you both to know that I did not mean to hurt or scare either of you. I had no idea that either or you were among the Ark survivors."

Clarke at least looks willing to listen, Abby on the other hand looks like she is going to interrupt but Clarke looks at her and shakes her head no. Abby presses her lips into a thin line but is unable to stop herself.

"We saw you get floated"

"No. You saw them put me in the airlock, you heard a loud noise, and you saw something float out away from the ship. You never saw them float me."

"How did you get to earth? Who helped you? "

"I was taken out another door and taken to a drop ship with several others. It was part of an underground movement to get back to earth. They tried to save anyone who was going to be floated."

"How did you even know earth was survivable? Why didn't you try to contact the Ark to let us know? We could have saved so many people...?"

"You know what Abby, excuse me for not exactly trusting the council or you! Did you forget the reason I was 'floated'? You chose the council over your family just like always. At least now you and Marcus were finally able to admit your feelings!" I was yelling unable to keep the anger and betrayal out of my voice.

Clarke POV

My mom looked like she had been punched in the stomach at my dads words.You could see her anger visibly deflate. She glanced at me and I knew what was coming. "Clarke maybe you should go with Aurora and give your dad and I a few minutes to talk...?"

I started to shake my head no but dad interrupted, "It's too late for that now Abby, Aurora knows already and Clarke may as well know. I am sure she heard our fighting before I was floated anyway."

"Dad, maybe we should get back to the story and you and mom can talk later?"


Bellamy POV

We had reached the tree line and decided to split up to look for a way in. I was with Octavia, Wick and Kane.

Lincoln, Murphy, Miller and the two guards went the other way.

We had spotted an entrance and did not see any visible guards. As we were discussing our options we heard a gun click behind us. We turned slowly to realize we had been surrounded. Liv was with then and looked a little surprised to see Wick.

"Put your weapons down and we will take you to Clarke. " she stated, clearly in control of the situation. "I assume that is why you're here?

Ok, not the plan but at least we are getting inside.

They take our visible weapons and lead us into the mountain.


Clarke POV

We had all returned to the apartment after mom's outburst. They were currently in the other room talking loudly.

Some things never change I thought a little ruefully.

I turned my attention to Aurora.

"Are you Bell's mom? "

She nods and smiles at the familiar nickname. "You call him Bell? Octavia was the only one ever able to get away with calling him that. Are you friends?" She asks with a knowing look as only a mother can.

I nod feeling a slight blush creep up my face. It does not go unnoticed by her. She pats my hand and I change the subject asking how she got to earth.

"Your dad and I were friends." The way she says it gives me pause. "When he heard I had been arrested because of Octavia he made sure I was on the next ship coming to earth before I was floated. There wasn't time to arrange for Bellamy and Octavia. She was already in the skybox and they were both being watched.

"Who are the people who helped you?"

They were rebels called the Gaia movement. There main objective was to get to earth as well as protect the rights of the people. The leaders who started it were mainly mechanics and engineers like your dad. They made contact with the people of earth by chance about three years ago, the first transport to earth was sent about a year later. They have allowed us to stay with them. They have been kind to us. There were more survivors on the other side of the mountain but they split ways with them awhile ago due to their experiments on the grounders."

My parents came out of the other room. My mom has tears on her cheek but both of them are quiet.

Before anyone can say anything we hear a beep and my dad answers an intercom. We hear Liv"s voice.

"We have more visitors from the Ark, they must have followed Clarke. I put them in a holding area on level 2."

My heart skips a beat as I know it has to be Bellamy.



Sorry for the long wait sort of a filler chapter, but a little background on how they ended up on earth.
Who do you think is the bad guy?
Jake, Liv or someone else?
What or who do you think they want?
Comment and let me know what you think. Thanks!!!

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