Chapter 19 The Waiting Game

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Clark POV

When I left Bellamy I decided to stop and grab some water before heading to the med bay, as luck would have it Raven was there too and I decided to put Bellamy's plan into action.

"Hey Raven"

"Hey, how's Octavia?"

"Good. It was a really interesting ceremony. She is an official badass now" I smile.

"Must run in the family" Raven smirks

"Ain't that the truth?" I laugh, thinking of Bellamy. I pause noting Wick is no where around. "So how is Wick doing?" I was surprised to see Raven blush. Looks like Bell was right.

"He seems ok . Why?"

"I just wanted to make sure he is not overdoing it. He really did have a bad bump on the head and sometimes you don't know how serious until later."

"Is he going to be ok?" She asks worridly

"Yes, I am probably just being overly cautious, just keep your eye on him ok?"

"Ok" she replies a faint flush on her cheek.

"Later Raven"


As I left her and continued to the med bay, I felt a little guilty for not telling her the whole story, but Raven is a bit of a hot head, and I can't risk her endangering herself more than she probably already is. We are going to have to wait this out.

My thoughts then turned to Liv. I just have to figure out what her story is.

When I walked in it appeared to be slow and mom and Liv were busy storing and labeling herbs for further use. Mom looked up as I walked in.

"Hi honey, enjoy your night off?"

"Yep. Looks kind of slow today."

"It is. We were just working on storage."

"Need any help?"

"Actually, if you can take over here, I need to run and speak to Kane for a bit, and then see if the shelving is done in the cold pit. Maybe we can store excess herbs down there. "

"Sure", mom gave me a quick hug, then left.

When she was gone, we continued working in silence. I decided to break it.

"So Liv, we haven't really had a chance to get to know each othet. How old are you and what did you do on the Ark before you came down?"

"I'm 22. I know a little about engineering, but I switched to agriculture when I turned 18. That's how I know Monty. I trained him since I was a little ahead of him

"Cool, did you know Jasper too?"

"Only by name. I worked a lot. Then when I met Ben 6 months ago, all my free time was spent with him."

New relationship I thought, Ben may not know what Liv is up to either.

Liv decided to ask a few questions too. "So I know you were training to be a doctor on the Ark before you were arrested. Your dad used to talk about you a lot."

I winced, "You knew my dad?"

"Yes, I worked in engineering when I was 16. Your dad is, I mean was a good man. He should never have been floated."

I just stared at her trying to decipher this new bit of information. Thankfully before I was forced to answer, some of the hunting party returned with injuries and we both had other things to worry about.

Wick POV

We had been on the ground for almost two weeks. Ben and I worked with Raven and Monty on equipment to better the camp. Weapons, tools, food storage. It was interesting to me as I love problem solving and given our lack of supplies we had to be creative in our solutions.
I liked spending time with Raven, but I knew she was wondering why I did not bring up our last encounter on the Ark.
It appeared that whatever she had going on with Finn was finally over although I could tell she still looked out for him. Ben was the only one of us who had no idea that Jake Griffin was alive, nor what Liv was really capable of.

Liv, although not working with us in engineering somehow managed to worm her way into training with Dr Griffin and Clark, I assume it was because Jake wanted updates on his wife and daughter. I still had no real idea about his motivations, the only thing I knew for certain was that Jake had somehow been saved from being floated by some underground movement tied into Mt weather. I knew he was not alone, and I suspected he was taking orders from someone else. No matter I had to find some way to follow instructions and make sure Raven was safe. I was shaken from my thoughts.


"Hmm? Sorry, what?"

"Are you ok?"

"Yes, why?"

"Have you been paying attention at all? Be careful with that, we can't have dud bullets!" Raven scolded.

"Relax Red. I could do this with my eyes closed."

"Yeah, well let's not try that huh? Our lives could depend on it."

"Still bossy I see. "

"Still no follow thru "

"I'll have you know I have excellent follow thru." I said taking a step closer and giving her a pointed look. I was rewarded with a blush. Looking into her eyes I felt my resolve waiver and I started to lean forward with every intention of kissing her when Monty walked in. We sprang apart trying not to look guilty.

"Oops. Sorry guys". He turned to walk back out. "Wick, Liv was looking for you when you have a minute." 

Raven POV

Really Monty?   Uggh worst. Timing. Ever.
I watch as Wick pulls back, the moment gone.  A girl can't give anymore hints.  I thought I made it pretty clear Finn and I were through.   What was he waiting for?   Then I think about what Monty said.   What would Liv need to talk to Wick about?  Something doesn't feel right,  but I can't put my finger on it yet, but I am going to find out.


Thank you so much for over 3000 reads!  I hope you like the story.  Feedback always welcome.

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