Chapter 14 A Celebration

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Bellamy POV

It was a beautiful morning at the end of November, and we were getting ready to celebrate  Thanksgiving.   This would be our first Thanksgiving on earth in almost 100 years.   We had invited Lexa and the grounders and we were going to have our own huge feast, and some of Monty's moonshine.  Everyone was looking forward to it as evidenced by the flurry of activity.

Two weeks had passed since we talked about the baby and Clarke was finally starting to look and feel better.  She had color in her cheeks and she no longer had the deep circles under her eyes.   I looked over at her where she was walking towards me, the morning sun glistening in her hair.  She was beautiful.   She caught my gaze and gave me a full smile.   I watched her until she reached me giving me a hug.

"Morning Bell"

"Princess"  I replied wrapping my arms around her waist, kissing her neck and making her giggle.  I loved that sound.


"Hmmm?" I nibbled on her her ear, not releasing my hold on her.

"Miss me?" She tilted her neck

"Always" I respond giving her another hug

She returned the hug before pulling back a little, "Can you believe it?  Our first Thanksgiving day on earth?  I am so excited! " she squeaked.

"Yes, it should be fun tonite, it will be nice to see the grounders in a non life threatening situation."  I said and she nodded.

As we stood there, some of the guys started bringing over firewood and some logs for everyone to sit on.  I gave her one final squeeze,  "I better get  back to work, we have a lot to get done before they get here."

"Ok, later Bell."

Clarke POV

I watched him walk away and then started to head over to the med bay.  When I walked in my mom and Kane were at it again.   I rolled my eyes, "Do you want me to come  back later?" 

They both pulled back,  startled.   "Hi honey."  My mom said, breathlessly.

Kane gave my mom a kiss on the cheek and shook his head, smiling.  "Morning Clarke, see you later Abby"   she nodded.

When we are alone, "How are you feeling. Honey?"

"I feel great mom!  I'm really excited about tonight."

"Me too!"



"Are you and Kane official now?"

She laughed,  "I guess so..."

I started getting supplies for the day.

"What about you and Bellamy?  How are things with you two?"

"They are good.  Better now than ever.  Why?"

She waited a moment before answering me.  "Losing a baby can be hard on a couple..."  she trailed off.

I looked at her,  "It was tough,  for a while but we got through it.  We are in a good place now."

"Have you guys talked about kids or marriage..?"

"Kids yes, marriage No.  We have only been on earth  4 months and so much has happened...I don't think we're ready for marriage.  Kids..."  I trailed off.

"He obviously adores you and you work well together.   He is not the bad guy I thought he was when I first came down."  She looked me in the eye. " You can still have kids you know."

I stared at her blankly was it that obvious?

"Clarke, there is no reason you can't have  children.  You are almost completely healed,  after another month you should be ok to start trying, if that's what you want?"

I felt like a weight was lifted off of my shoulders,  "Mom, how did you know I was scared I wouldn't be able to have more kids ? "

"I know you Clarke,  you've been through something traumatic.   This would be a normal reaction for anyone. I just want you to know from a medical standpoint that it is ok.  Just remember,  1 more month ok?" She hugged me.

I smiled at her. "Thanks mom."

We continued working in silence.  After about an hour and  no patients.

"Mom,  I am going to see if they need any help setting up Ok?"


Later that day...
Octavia POV

Everyone was sitting by the campfires laughing,  eating and drinking.  We even had music!  The grounders had drums and some type of wooden flutes made out of reeds.  They sounded really pretty.  Jasper had a harmonica and much to everyone's surprise we had a guitar!  Turns out it had been in Kane's family since we went to space and he managed to bring it down with him.   His grandfather had taught him to play and he was really good!

Some people had started to dance.

The grounders had brought their children with them,  including Lexa snd Dante.  I noticed how Bell and Clarke watched Lexa with her daughter.   It was that look that made me hesitate to talk to Clarke.   I thought I was pregnant,  but I had not even told Lincoln yet.

Bellamy POV

Everyone was having fun. Clarke was snuggled next to me wrapped in a blanket to keep warm.  As I placed a kiss in her hair I looked across the fire to notice Raven watching us.  When she noticed me looking at her, she turned away.  I glanced around and spotted Finn with his hands all over some girl named Fox.

I shook my head.  Finn was an idiot.  Raven didn't deserve that.

Suddenly our celebration was interrupted, by a meteor streaking through the sky.  It took us a moment to realize it wasn't simply a meteor,  it was another drop ship.  They weren't supposed to arrive until next week.  Something must have happened to make them come early, but why didn't they radio to tell us?

The landing was off, they were coming too fast and they were headed towards Mt Weather.   From the looks if it they may not make it that far.

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