Chapter 5 Surprising news part 2

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Bellamy POV

Bellamy was already in his tent when Clarke snuck in.

He wasted no time embracing her and nuzzling her neck. He felt her relax into his arms as he sat down and pulled her onto his lap. Clarke kissed Bellamy lightly and sighed as she leaned her head on his shoulder.

He brushed her hair back and surveyed her tired face.

"You OK princess? You look exhausted. "

Clarke waited a moment before speaking

"I am, it's been a full day" she sighed.

"Wanna talk about it?"

"Yeah, I have something to tell you.  Promise you won't yell at me Bell?"  She asked using Octavia's nickname for him.

"Does it involve the spacewalker?" He asked trying to keep the hurt look from his face.

"No" she was quick to reassure him.

He relaxed, then said simply, "Then I won't yell.  Go on..."

Clarke paused so long that Bellamy wondered what was taking so long.  Just as he thought to prompt her again, she blurted out. "I'm pregnant Bell" and buried her head in his shoulder.

Bellamy hugged her close to reassure her but did not speak immediately.

In truth he was completely shell shocked.

This was the last thing he expected, but at the same time he realized this baby was his. His and Clarke's.

A smile slowly spread over his face as his arms tightened around her. He kissed her hair and lifted her chin to bring her eyes to his.  He kissed her.  Slowly and deeply. It took Clarke's breath away.

When they broke for air she looked at him quizzically.

"You're not mad at me?"

He shook his head

"Why would I be mad?"

"Because..." she dropped her eyes and trailed off.

"Princess" He lifted her chin so she was again looking in his eyes. "It took both of us to make this baby.  Think about it, this kid can't help but be amazing!" He chuckled.

Her face relaxed and a tear slid down her cheek before she threw both arms around his neck.

"I was so scared Bell, I've been sick for weeks" she sobbed.

He rocked her back and forth, rubbing her back gently and soon she quieted down.

"Is that why you went to see Lexa today? "

She nodded her head against him.

"Yes, she and Andu gave me some herbs to help with the morning sickness and to build up my strength"

"Does your mom know yet?"

"No, and I'm not sure how to tell her, let alone everyone else. I warn you now, she may want to kill you Bell"

He laughed softly, " I don't think she'll kill the father of her first grandchild"

Clarke paused for a moment, "Maybe we should tell her and Kane together before we break the news to everyone." She suggested. "You won't believe what I walked in on the other day!  Kane was kissing my mother in the med bay!"

"What?" He laughed softly, surprised by the news. They fought as much as we do.

On second thought...

I can't lose you...(editing)#wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now