Chapter 3. Our first Morning

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Bellemy POV

Surpisingly we didn't oversleep the next morning.   Clarke jumped up quickly and started to dress.

"What's the rush princess? " I yawned, watching her

"I just think we should keep a low profile for now, until we're sure what this is." She said quietly gesturing to the two of us.

I could see the wisdom, but right now I really didn't care if everyone knew.

On the other hand I didn't want to ruin a perfect night with my princess by starting a fight first thing in the morning.

I nodded, "Whatever you say princess. Promise I'll see you tonight?"

She laughed, "Deal!  Later Bell" She said stealing O's nickname for me.

Clarke POV

I walked out of Bellamy's tent smiling to myself. No one was about yet so I slipped into the med tent to set up for the day before grabbing some breakfast.

I was just getting ready to get some food when Bellamy appeared.

"Couldn't stay away? " I asked, smiling

"Yes and no"  He replied. "Did you want to talk about something last night?"

"I wanted to talk about this meeting with the grounders, we can't let Kane and my mom think they have final say for all of us."

He nodded, "I agree.  Kane won't be a problem but your mom still thinks of you as a child, she wants to protect you"

Before I could answer, my mom walked in. "I was looking for you two. You need to eat before we meet with Lexa"

We both nodded and followed her out, Bellamy's hand at my back.

While we sat with Kane and my mom, she pumped me for information about the meeting. It was easy to see she still didn't fully trust the grounders.

"Mom, we need them to survive this first winter.  We've only been down here a couple of months, we have no idea what to expect down here and before now we've been too busy fighting others and we haven't had a chance to breathe.  Reading about the past life on earth is no preparation for what may come."

Both Kane and Bellamy nodded. My mom still  looked doubtful.

Kane spoke up, "Abby, we need to let Clarke and Bellamy take the lead on this, if it was left to us we wouldn't have forged an alliance with the grounders or rescued those from Mt Weather.  They have good instincts on this.  I trust you kids," he said simply looking from me to Bellamy, "as long as you will accept input from us and involve us in the decision making , I'm content to let you run things."

"Kane you can't be serious!" My mom sputtered.

Kane looked at my mother, "Why not Abby? Look what they have accomplished? Children are the future of any society and the two of them have proven to be strong leaders. You should be proud of them. We are not on the Ark anymore you know. " he added.

My mother came up short. "We should get going." my mom went to get her pack while Bellamy and I just stared at Kane. He smiled at both of us, "Don't worry, she'll come around" he got up to follow my mother.

Bellamy and I followed, he squeezed my hand and whispered, "Don't worry princess, everything will be fine"

Later that day...

The meeting with Lexa was better then I had hoped, they had agreed to help train some of our warriers and show us how to hunt and gather for the winter. In return we were going to trade some of our animal pelts for chickens and a couple of cows, so that we could have milk and eggs for the winter. We were going to show them how to build shelters with logs. Abby and their medicine woman were going to trade wisdom with each other.  There was talk of us joining forces as the Grounders from the north were not friendly and had to be watched.  I smiled but realized we had a lot of work to do.

Kane and Abby were talking excitedly and the future was starting to seem like we might actually make it.

Bellamy looked at me and smiled. "I was just thinking that we have a lot to do in the next couple of months"

"You got that right. Building, planting gathering.  Fresh eggs.  Fresh milk..."

My head was spinning

When we reached camp we called a meeting with everyone so that they knew what was to be expected in the coming months. It was already mid summer.  There was still time to plant, but the main focus would be on building shelters for the winter, and hunting. Monty had an idea for building a cold pit to keep food for longer. Everyone was excited as they prepared for the evening meal. The grounders were coming tonight and we would have a feast to celebrate our new continued alliance.

Bellamy squeezed my hand and winked as he went to join the hunt for our feast, I shook my head and smiled to myself as I went to talk with my mom.

I found her in the med bay with Kane.I stopped short as he had his arms around her and he was kissing her!

I backed out quickly before they saw me. Agggh, how could I unsee that???

I shook my head to clear it and started back inside. "Mom?" I called before entering the med bay.

"In here Clarke" she called. When I walked in Kane was walking out. "Don't worry" he said as he walked past me completely unaware of what I had seen.

I appaised my mother before I spoke, her face was flushed and her eyes were sparkling.

"You look happy" I remarked, raising an eyebrow.

She regarded me for a moment and continued putting away supplies but I could see her hands were a little unsteady.

"Yes, Kane was right you and Bellamy do have good instincts, I am really optimistic about this alliance. I'm proud of you" she says hugging me.

Unable to stop myself...

"Are you sure that's all mom" I say arching my eyebrow at her.  She pauses for a moment to stare at me.

"You saw us?" She asks mortified.

I laugh, "relax mom, you're an adult!"

She shakes her head, "please don't say anything"

"Why not?" I ask

"I think we need to keep a low profile for now, I don't want our authority questioned. Not now when we need everyone working together."

It was strange hearing my own words come out of her mouth and I nodded my head realizing I may be more like my mother than I had previously thought.

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