Chapter 18. Vision

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Lexa POV

It is hard to believe that Octavia has the sight. It is a rare gift even for our people. The last person with this gift died when I was still a child. Andu would remember though...

"What just happened to me?" Octavia asks and I shake myself from my thoughts and motion for Andu to explain.

"You are very special Octavia, you have the ability to see the future..."

"That's impossible!" Octavia started looking at her brother with wide eyes.

"No" Andu replied. "It is not. What you saw are things that could happen if we all stay on our current path. They are possibilities, things to either guard against, or to look forward to. They may not make sense now but they will in time. It takes a strong person to see and not let it hinder your judgement. You will need the potion for now, but in time you won't need it."

"What did you see exactly?" I ask, unable to hold my tongue any longer.

"Nothing that made any sense! I saw my mother, she was here somewhere..."

"O that's impossible!" Bellamy interjects.

"You think I don't know that Bell?"Octavia replies "But I wish it were true..." then she frowns, "Clarke, I saw you and your mom arguing with someone too, do you know any one named Jake?"

It is Clarke's turn to utter disbelief, "My dad?! He was floated! This can't be real Octavia." She looks at me for confirmation.

I don't answer Clarke, instead I prompt Octavia on what else she saw. "Finish Octavia, what else did you see? "

Octavia furrows her brow, "I saw Wick fighting with the new girl about Raven. I think Raven may be in some sort of danger and he is trying to save her, maybe..whatever it is he knows about it." Octavia's voice grows stronger and more confident.

Then she smiles and looks at her brother. Then looks with concern at Clarke. "We were looking for you. You were lost, taken maybe? I'm sorry, that I don't remember more."

Clarke POV

I watch this whole thing with skepticism. I have never seen anything like this. Lexa, Lincoln, Indra, and Andu seem to take it all in and it's obvious that although they are surprised they do not doubt a word that comes out of Octavia's mouth.

Andu speaks. "Octavia you should rest now. The potion drains you. Go with Lincoln."

"Octavia, do not share your visions with anyone other than the people in this room." Lexa commands. When they have gone, Bellamy questions Lexa.

" Why her, what does it mean?"

"What was she like as a child?" Lexa asks instead. "What was her life like in the sky?"

"We had to hide her for years, it was against the law for her to be alive. I spent 15 years helping my mother keep her a secret, hidden in the floor and my mother was floated for it." Bellamy stops abruptly and I squeeze his hand.

"Perhaps, that is why she has the sight. She was not allowed freedom and to see normal things so her mind is free to see what others cannot. She is blessed." Andu states

"Do not worry, go rest, there is food in your tent. We will watch over Octavia, she is one of us now. I would advise you to be on guard and watch Wick and this other girl. Raven may indeed be in danger. As far as your mother Bellamy and your father Clarke...she may remember more in time. Repeat this to no one." With that Lexa dismisses us.

Bellamy POV

We are sitting in our tent, eating before bed. My mind is racing with what just happened.

"Bellamy? Are you gonna ignore me all night?" Clarke asks with a half smile on her face.

"What?" I ask.

She laughs and hugs me, "Bell, don't worry about O. She will be fine."

"But..." She puts a finger to my lips followed by a kiss.

"Do you see where we are Bell?" I look around and nod the tent is fit for the commander herself. Wine is by the wall, fresh fruit, nuts, water and a small fire pit to make tea. In the center is a huge bed with lots of furs and hand sewn pillows. "We are not leaders tonight and I want to try again."

I look at her for a moment, not understanding. She kisses me again with full force, when we break for air she rests her forehead against mine. "We would have been parents in another couple of months Bellamy...she trails off.

I pull away, put my hand under her chin and look in her eyes. After a moment I break into a grin, "Who am I to argue with the princess?" I pick her up and she giggles as we sink onto the bed.

The next morning as we make our way back to camp. "Clarke, do you think we should warn Raven?"

"We can't, if her feelings for Wick are serious it could break her heart and put her in danger. Plus if he is trying to protect her we can't tip off whoever is behind this. The good thing is Liv works in the med bay so I can keep an eye on her. The problem is who is going to keep an eye on Wick? Monty? Jasper?"

I shook my head, "I think you should ask Raven to do it." Clarke is already shaking her head no.

"Hear me out princess, tell Raven you are concerned about his health, tell her to keep an eye on him without her really knowing why. This way if she catches him up to something it will be easier to for her to deal with. And it won't tip Liz off."

Clarke stops and tilts her head, " You know you may be right Bell?"

"Don't sound so surprised" I feign hurt.

She gives me a playful shove as we reach the camp gate. I pull her into a quick hug, "Be careful around Liz until we know for sure ok?" She nods and heads off to the med bay.

I can't lose you...(editing)#wattys2015Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ