Episode 64: Thieves In My Head

Start from the beginning

I immediately turned around to find Pan and a girl standing far away, arguing. Wait, that girl is me. What am I doing there? Wait...am I dead? What? No. That's not possible. Then what am I doing there? Yet I am here as well.

"Why are you getting so worked up about this? You act like I do this all the time" Pan suddenly yelled at me...err Clara.

"That is because you do!" She screamed back.

"That's not true" Pan yelled

I don't think they acknowledge my existence. Can they not see me? Did this really happen? I don't remember it. Was this some memory I lost?

"Oh please, you toy with words just like you toy with people" I-Clara yelled

"HEY!" Pan echoed "you do not get to talk to me that way" he was obviously getting furious.

"I can talk to you however I want" She yelled back

"WOAH look at that, big mouth for a tiny lady" Pan said

"WOAH look at that, lots of attitude for a coward" She said.

Pan's body suddenly stiffed and his eyes turned pitch black. His features freaked me out even though I knew he couldn't see me.

"What did you say?" He said with his voice rising.

"You heard me" Clara said

I immediately gasped as Pan did the most aggressive move ever. He just pinned me...err Clara against the ground. How dare he? He was sitting right on top of her and I...Clara was obviously struggling to release from his grip.

"Get off me" she yelled.

"Take back what you said" he yelled



"NO" She screamed.

"Whatever, I will still always be better than you" Pan stated.

"Why? Because you have pathetic lost boys fulfilling your demands"

Ooo good one Clara

"You know what...At least I have somewhere I can call home" Pan yelled.

I quickly gasped at what Pan just said. I watched as Pan got off Clara and walked away from her a couple of steps. I began trembling and breathing heavily as a tear dared to escape. How could he? He said Neverland was my home...I thought it was my home.

"Clara I-"

It was too late for Pan to talk because Clara had already gotten off the ground and ran to my...her tree house.

How dare he? How could he? I couldn't help but let the tears stream. He's an asshole, a lair. I thought I finally had somewhere I could call home...well I thought wrong.

The image of Pan right in front of me began fading away till there was nothing, he vanished into thin air.

Maybe it's a sign; maybe this is all not real.

Suddenly my hair began flying around from the sudden strong wind. Right ahead of me was a bright white light increasing by the second. I immediately shut my eyes from how bright it was. But as I felt like it wasn't there anymore, I opened my eyes to find myself in my room.

"Listen to me" someone suddenly said. I quickly turned around to find myself again, with the Blue fairy. My god I-Clara was devastated. She was crying and she looked like a mess. There was someone banging very hard on the closed room door, what was going on?

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