Vol-4: Chapter 25.2

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At the irrefutable words, Richard shut his mouth. As Etienne said, he was well aware of the empress's obsession and desire. It was because he had seen it as a child, growing up with Étienne.

At the time, living as a military member of the imperial palace, Richard saw Etienne suffering from the empress's tyranny and thought that she wanted the power to protect him. That feeling was still the same.

“Once Mother ascends to the position of Empress Dowager, the power of the Herace family will grow even more. Then no one will be able to keep them in check.”

Étienne's expression as he imagined the worst future darkened like a dark cloud over her.

“Mother is very careful. There's no way she'd leave anything that could threaten her place. She will definitely try to get rid of you.”

Richard's expression became subtle at Étienne's affirmation. He pursed his lips and asked in a cautious tone.

“As for my brother…....Do you hate me dying?”


Etienne answered without hesitation. Richard's eyes widened as if his answer was unexpected. Seeing that, Etienne tilted his head.

“What, why are you so surprised?”

“No, that is, um…...”

Richard rarely stuttered his words. He hesitated and scratched the nape of his neck.

"Because you say so.......I think you are worried about me.”

"Why? Shouldn't I worry about you?"

“It’s not…....”

You kept pushing me away.

Richard struggled to swallow the words that had filled hiz throat. Originally, he had no greed for the throne, but the biggest reason he didn't want to become emperor was Étienne.

“I must have misunderstood.”

Richard muttered with an embarrassed face. Until now, he thought that the reason Etienne kept his distance was because of problems with the next emperor. Because it was the way things were going back.

But listening to what Etienne was saying now, it seemed that it wasn't just because of that.

What if Etienne had been avoiding and keeping a distance from hi. all this time not because he was hiz rival who would fight for the throne, but because he was worried about his own safety?

As soon as he thought about it, he was instantly thrilled. Richard took a sip of the tea, tightening the corners of his mouth to keep his expression from collapsing. The fact that Etienne was worried about him made him feel better at once.

“I thought you hated me.”

Étienne gripped the teacup tightly at Richard's candid words. To hate him was nonsense. He doesn't know if he value it.

“I don’t hate you.”


Étienne swallowed his whispers, biting his lower lip. He brought the teacup to hiz mouth to hide his blurred expression. Richard asked the question again as if he couldn't believe Etienne's words.

“You don’t hate me?”


At Étienne's answer, Richard opened his eyes wide, then quickly closed the corners of his eyes. It was a really happy smile.


Etienne, who had been stunned for a moment, cleared his throat, avoiding his gaze. It tickled as if his chest, which had been throbbing just a moment ago, had never happened before.

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