Vol-1: Chapter 5.1

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"Haha! I won this game.”
“Sheesh. Let's play one more round.”

The social gatherings Rayan hosted were nothing more than dancing to music, more like banquets. Of course, there were no constructive discussions or discussions about the current state of affairs.

The sweet melody played by the pianist has long since been drowned out by the chatter and laughter of people who are intoxicated with excitement.

The guests of the meeting chatted or played card games while enjoying food and drinks brought by servants.

“The market floor must be quieter than this.”
Étienne muttered to himself as he heard various sounds hitting his ears.

Will he be able to come back soon?

Etienne pondered as he tilted his glass. After he sat down, he didn't move once.
Several of the noble's children glanced at Etienne once in a while, but they couldn't talk to him or approach him. Although they wanted to build a friendship with Etienne, who had been out of the imperial palace for the first time in a while, they seemed worried that they might get caught.

There was a reason why the children of nobles were cautious. Étienne was known among the nobility for being unpretentious.

They said, 'He never gave me permission to talk to him.'
'Where did you learn the etiquette of touching the body of the imperial family?'

At last year's New Year's party, there was an aristocrat, Young man, who approached Etienne unaware of his tendencies and was severely beaten. Just a few months ago, a young lady of the count's family had been humiliated while trying to seduce Étienne at an imperial ball.

Étienne was terribly averse to socializing with people. He didn't allow anyone to talk to him or be friendly with someone he didn't approve of. It wasn't because of his sensitive nature, but rather to hide his omega status.

Although the percentage of Beta and their families who became nobles after receiving titles in recognition of their specialties or abilities was gradually increasing, the aristocratic society was still dominated by Alphas and Omegas. In particular, Alpha accounted for the majority.

Because of that, he had no choice but to be careful. If you were affected by Alpha's pheromones and the heat cycle came, terrible things would happen.

For that reason, Étienne minimized contact with the people. Leona, the empress, was also not important, and she did not let Etienne out. However, in the eyes of those who did not know the truth, Étienne's actions looked different.

They thought Etienne was harsh and arrogant.

‘A patient with mysophobia who has poor social skills.’
'The idiot of the imperial family addicted to alcohol and cigarettes.'
'Prince Beta, whose body is weak, is confined to his own palace.'
'A pretty doll that doesn't do anything and only plays with the width of the empress's skirt.'

The gossipers, who liked to talk with others, poured out all sorts of words about Etienne. None of them were positive.

Ben was saddened whenever he heard negative rumors about Etienne, but Etienne, the person in charge, didn't care. He was used to being alone and comfortable.

Rather, Etienne hoped that his reputation would fall further. Leona's disappointment allows him to abandon the idea of ​​making himself the emperor.

"Come to think of it……Tomorrow is the improvement ceremony.”

Etienne's hand, which was bringing the glass to his mouth, stopped at someone's words. There was no one here who did not know who the main character of the triumphal ceremony to be held tomorrow was.

“I heard that there are already crowds of people who want to watch the improvement ceremony……They say the fight for the crown prince's spot is fierce.”

“It deserves it! Isn't he the hero who saved our empire from danger, hero!”

A booming voice was heard from the table opposite. Étienne's gaze naturally turned there as well. A very drunk man praised Archduke Eckhart with an excited face.

“Our Grand Duke is returning...… Hiccup! A new wind will blow in the capital too!”
“Young man, the Marquis of Namia, is very drunk.”
“Leave it alone. Are you in the military? It will taste good these days.”

As Young man, the Marquis of Namia, who was drunk, recited the achievements of Archduke Eckhart, several people noticed Etienne.

In the past few years, Archduke Eckhart's share price has risen sharply. He became a military leader with his own power, and twice saved the empire from crisis.
Nobles and commoners alike, many people respected Archduke Eckhart. The Archduke's popularity was enormous, especially among young nobles.

Besides, he was favored by the emperor. Everyone knew that the Emperor cared for his distant relative, Archduke Eckhart.

The Emperor even tried to adopt the Grand Duke, who had lost his parents at a young age. Had it not been for the empress' objection, Archduke Eckhart might have become a prince long ago.

A young dominant alpha who is praised as a hero in the royal family with the right to inherit the throne, although it is a distant collateral.

Those who are well versed in politics predicted that when Archduke Eckhart returned, a full-fledged battle for succession would break out.
The fight between Etienne, who was behind the Duke of Herace and the Empress, and Richard, who was behind the emperor and the army of the Empire, would begin.

“I heard from a source in the military that the Archduke has already arrived in the capital. Because of the triumphal ceremony tomorrow, you can't come inside and are waiting outside the castle.”
"His Majesty also.....What is he doing with someone who is tired from coming a long way? He came back after a few years, but he didn't let him rest in peace."

Once the water broke, the topic of the story moved to Archduke Eckhart. People told his story all along.

Étienne pretended not to be interested, but listened. Even when he tried not to,
he could hear people talking about Richard.

"Is His Highness the Prince happy too?"

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