Vol-4: Chapter 25.3

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Richard threw his head back and burst out laughing at Etienne's flirtatiousness.
Looking back, Etienne was always like this. In fact, he knew everything, he guessed his mind to some extent, but when the decisive moment came like he is now, he always withdrew his feet.

“You don’t know…...Are you pretending not to know, or you really don't?”

Richard, who hardened his expression, asked as if questioning. Etienne jumped at his voice, heavy and dark like the night air, and his shoulders trembled.

I had never heard a voice like that.

"Older brother?"

When Etienne didn't say anything, Richard called out to him and urged him to answer. Étienne, at a loss for what to do, curled up his lips and asked. The corners of his lips quivered. He squeezed his voice and barely uttered a word.

“So what?”


Richard let out a big sigh at Etienne's continued ignorance. He looked at Etienne with an indescribable expression.

Normally, he would have tuned in to Etienne, but he didn't want to do that today.

How long can it be like this.

Nervous, Richard bit his lower lip. He wanted to change this parallel relationship. So he decided to be a little greedy.

"Great. If you really want to hear it through my mouth.......”


Étienne hastily cut off Richard. Feeling threatened, his instincts were screaming that he shouldn't listen to what he was about to say.

"Do not say."

Étienne shook his head in fear.

I had to prevent vague emotions from taking shape and having a name.

“You said you don't know, so why are you blocking me?”

Richard frowned at Étienne's behavior in blocking him. He was offended by the seeming rejection of him.

“I don’t want to hear it.”

Étienne lowered his head as if ignoring Richard. He couldn't bear to look at him.

“You are selfish.”

At Richard's rebuke, Étienne's head turned even lower. He knew he was selfish, but he couldn't help it. If he guessed right, 'that word' should never have been heard.

If you hear those words from Richard's mouth, everything will really fall apart.

“I hate to hear it.”

Étienne crouched over and covered his ears with his hands. It's childish behavior, but it was the best he could do. The apparent refusal made Richard cry. Unable to hold back any longer, he reached out his hand.

“Even if you don’t want to hear it, listen!”


Étienne opened his closed eyes in surprise at the strong tugging hand on his wrist. Then he saw a raging wave in front of his eyes.

“Didn't the fact that you asked me to become emperor today meant that you too would move forward? But why are you trying to run away again?"

Richard, whose face was distorted, raised his voice. Étienne stared blankly at the ferocious indigo blue eyes. He's scary, but he couldn't escape.

He said, “I endured when my brother first pushed me away and when he tried to distance himself from me. I waited because I knew the situation you were in and how difficult it was. But now I hate it. I am also a person. I'm tired too!”


“Answer me! How much more.......How long do I have to watch my older brother ignore me and push me away?”

Richard, who vomited out the emotions he had been suppressing, wheezed, unable to overcome himself. The watery eyes that looked at him shook violently. Like a rising tide, Richard's emotions seeped into his skin.

"I am…...haah.”

Étienne, who had been calling out to Richard with a bewildered face, hurriedly swallowed his breath.

Pheromones were flowing from Richard.


Étienne tried to shake off Richard's hand, feeling hot inside. But his body was not strong.


Étienne shuddered in like prey caught in a trap. It was the first time in his life that he had been hit head-on with Richard's pheromone.


Étienne shrugged his shoulders, feeling the horror gripping his whole body. His heart was pounding with fear he had never experienced before. Usually, Richard boasted of near-perfect pheromone control. Unlike other alphas, he didn't even show off his pheromones. It was because of his experience of hurting some people in his childhood when his pheromone control was immature.

That's how strong Richard's pheromone was, and there were only a few Alphas and Omegas who could handle it. When he made up his mind and released his pheromones, even Beta felt the pressure.
So, Richard always carried pheromones with him. In particular, he was more careful in front of Etienne, who was weak.

Thanks to Richard's consideration, Etienne was able to be at ease with him. But now it was different. Richard, who showed his emotions for the first time, was unable to control his energy.

“If you want, you can become the emperor or whatever. I'll be a traitor and I'll do it. If that's the way to make you happy! But I hate it if the price is to leave my side.”

Richard growled, letting out his rough breath. As if reacting to his emotions, the pheromones that flowed from Richard's body ran wild and even vibrated the surrounding air.

“Ha, heh.”

Étienne gasped for his breath, feeling his scent pouring like a raging wave. His breathing was getting quicker and his head was spinning.


Unable to withstand the pheromone, Etienne vomited. My stomach felt like it was going to turn over. Even holding his breath, he could feel Richard's scent.

"Older brother?"

Then, feeling strange, Richard called Etienne.Etienne could not answer. Tinnitus rang loudly. The world went round and round.

“Let go, let go.”

said Etienne, trembling. His head was so hot it felt like it was melting. On the contrary, hiz fingertips and toes became cold.

Oh, that's the limit.

Étienne closed his eyes as he felt his lapse in consciousness. It felt like the threads that supported his body were snapping and breaking. He couldn't stand it any longer.

"Older brother!"

His desperate cry burrowed into his clouding consciousness. At the same time, his strong arms lost strength and he hugged his crumbling body.

“Brother Etienne!”

Étienne licked his lips as if answering the voice calling him anxiously. He wants to say it's okay, but his voice doesn't come out. Instead, there was only a gurgling breath.

“Relax! Older brother! Damn! Etienne!”

Richard's voice grew distant. Took, he lost her strength and tilted his head against his hard chest.

I have to say it's okay.......

Sensing his heart beating violently over his chest against him, Etienne blinked slowly at his eyes. He saw his surprised face in the blurry vision. He could feel Richard's pheromone fluctuating like waves in a storm.


A gasp escaped between his slightly parted lips. At that moment, Etienne's body limp like a puppet whose threads have been cut. When the consciousness that had been on the edge was cut off, the whole world became dark as if it was covered in black night.

End of volume 4.

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