Vol-3: Chapter 13

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I don't want to go.

Étienne walked toward the hall where the dinner was to be held, feeling like a prisoner being led to prison. Even Ben looked at Etienne with pity, he calmly followed him, knowing that there was nothing he could do to help.

Should he run away after saying no because his body hurts even now?
Étienne thought seriously about his excuses. When he thought of the battle between the emperor and the empress, his stomach churned as if he had already lost his temper. Above all, he did not want to meet Richard. He heard a booming voice behind him just as Étienne took his steps away with hid melancholy look on hid face.

“Your Highness the Prince!”

Etienne stopped at the familiar voice and turned his head. At that moment, the black shadow came crashing down on Etienne.

"Long time no see! Haha!"

“Saxony, Archduke?”

Étienne opened his eyes wide as
he checked who was holding him. It was the Archduke of Saxony, the emperor's cousin, who gave Étienne a hug.

"How are you? You seem even thinner than before.”

The Archduke of Saxony looked over at Étienne, smiling at his cheerful face. Her crescent-shaped eyes shone sharply.

“I am fine. When did you come to the capital? I remember you visiting the estate.”

said Etienne, pulling himself back. He felt uncomfortable being held by the Archduke of Saxony. Fortunately, she obediently let Etienne go.

“I came back a few days ago.”

“A few days ago…....”

“Ah, I couldn’t attend the triumphal banquet. It’s because the addiction hasn’t been resolved.”

Lie. Étienne muttered to himself as he listened to the words of the Archduke of Saxony.

Perhaps she didn't attend on purpose. The Archduke of Saxony hated Richard so much.

Eris von Saxony.

As the emperor's cousin, she was the next in line to the throne after himself. She was also a pretty skilled knight. Although not as much as Richard, she participated in several monster subjugations to fulfill her duties as a member of the royal family and as a knight.

However, unlike Richard, the Grand Duke of Saxony was not mentioned as the next emperor. It was because she was a beta.

Even if it is the same Beta, the direct royal family and the collateral royal family are treated differently.
Even though Etienne was an incompetent prince with no achievements, he was mentioned as the next emperor just because he was the emperor's only child, but Eris, the beta, was not.

Unless she was an outstanding dominant alpha on the level of Richard, there was no chance that Eris, a beta in the collateral imperial family, would have a chance.

Maybe that's why Eris hated Richard so much. On the contrary, she was kind to Etienne. She was probably the same beta, so she felt a sense of identity.

But Etienne knew. If Richard didn't exist, Eris would have revealed it to herself. If Richard disappears, she will only have Etienne blocking her path.

“It is a difficult journey to visit the estate.
Are you alright now?"

"Yes. After resting, I feel refreshed.”

"Fortunately, then."

Etienne presented a tender smile at Eris. Eris was not in a relationship of cooperation with the empress, but neither was it antagonism. She was a person who could not be turned into an enemy, so there was no need for him to go against her will.

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