Vol-1: Chapter 3.1

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“Greetings to the star of the empire.”

The knight guarding the empress's palace greeted Etienne with a modest gesture.

“Where is Her Majesty the Empress?”
"She is in the reception room.”

Étienne hardened his expression at the knight's reply. Being in the reception room meant she was meeting someone. He couldn't hold back the momentary irritation and clicked his tongue.


Étienne resisted the urge to turn immediately and went inside. Upon entering the hallway, dozens of courtiers bowed in unison. He ignored their greetings and moved on.

The faint scent that wafted through the lobby of the Empress's palace grew stronger as Etienne got closer to the reception room. It was an alluring scent that made him dizzy.

T/N: Heavy breathing.

Étienne consciously inhaled and exhaled. Otherwise he would be suffocated by the Empress's pheromones.

“Are you here, Your Highness?”

Upon reaching her reception room at the end of the hallway, Etienne was greeted politely by her chief maid of honor. At that moment, Etienne felt goosebumps running through his body.

The overwhelming scent that pierces his nose and various scents intertwined as if longing for it. The pheromone that could be felt through the closed door was not one or two.

“Your Majesty the Empress, His Highness the Prince has arrived.”
“Let him come.”

When the maid announced that Etienne had arrived, an enchanting voice came from inside. Étienne swallowed dry saliva silently at the scent of pheromone that rushed through the silghtly opened door.

“Please go in, Your Highness.”
The head maid responded in a stern voice as Etienne stood there with a stiff face. He was momentarily annoyed at the subtle ignoring behavior, but there was nothing he could do about it.

“Oh my God.”

Is this the feeling of a prisoner being dragged into prison? Etienne took a deep breath and entered the reception room calling for the Empress.

“Did you come?”

The scenery of the reception room was spectacle. Étienne narrowed his eyes as he watched the empress half-lying on the sofa and the people moaning beneath her.

"Iced coffee……”
(Idk what it says. I jst tled as it was)

“Your Majesty, Your Majesty the Empress.”

Those who begged the Empress were all alphas. Étienne looked down at the Empress's mistresses with tired eyes.

Aristocrats, the key figures of the aristocratic faction, knights who were praised as heroes in the past, and children of famous and prestigious families were slaves who succumbed to their desires at this moment.

“Your Majesty, please…..”

The mistresses, possessed by the Empress's pheromone, did not care whether Etienne was present or not. Their eyes were fixed only on the Empress.

The empress, half-reasoned, looked with a pleased expression at the mistresses who craved for her affection. They were faithful dogs who lusted all after her.

“Your Majesty the Empress.”
The one closest to the Empress called her with a voice of longing. The Empress gladly scattered her pheromones for her begging mistress. As if a flower were in full bloom, the scent the empress exhaled spread out in all directions.

“…… haah.”
T/N: Heavy breathing.

Étienne swallowed his breath, feeling his nausea rise. He couldn't come to his senses because of the Empress's pheromone that filled the reception room.

“Are you in pain?”
The empress asked in a languid voice. Sunset-colored eyes shone sharply as they stared at the trembling Etienne.

If my mother asks, I have to answer.

“No, Keuk!”
T/N: Choking sound.

Etienne, who had barely moved his lips, closed his mouth again against the alpha pheromone emitted by the excited mistresses. He tried to endure it somehow, but it was impossible.

Not long after his heat cycle had ended, he had lost his sanity for three days, and his weakened body could not withstand the pheromones shed by multiple alphas at the same time.

“Haah, heuk.”

Eventually Étienne's body collapsed. He Sat down on the floor and continued to vomit. His stomach was upset, and his head hurt as if it would break.

The Empress clicked her tongue when she saw Etienne trembling like a wounded beast. She was furious to see him collapsed because he couldn't stand the alpha pheromone.

“Everyone, please leave.”
“But, Your Majesty.”
The mistresses looked up at her empress with her dazed faces at the sudden celebration.

“The excitement is broken.”
The empress, who had collected her pheromones, closed her eyes with her expression of displeasure. Even though the fragrance that paralyzed reason disappeared, the governments could not come to their senses.

“Chief Maid, see the guests off.”
“I'll follow the orders.”

The empress, as if she was no longer interested in the mistresses who looked at her with bemused face, called her chief lady-in-waiting and ordered them out.
Soon, only the empress and Étienne were left in the reception room. A heavy air hung between them.

“Ugly thing.”

What broke the silence was a sharp rebuke. Étienne bit his lower lip at the voice of the Empress, sharp as thorns.

“Étienne, what are you doing when I see you reacting to pheromones? It's a shame because they were bewitched by my pheromones, didn't you almost get caught? Do you want to be known as an omega?”

“…… no."

If you're so worried that they'll find out that I am an omega, shouldn't you have sent your mistresses out ahead of time or not released your pheromones in front of me? Étienne barely swallowed his words as they filled his throat.

“Of course, betas also feel the strong pheromones emitted by the dominant alpha or dominant omega to some extent. You can’t smell the scent, but you can feel the energy.”

The Empress glanced at her son, who staggered up, and added, “But I literally feel it, I don’t whimper like you. Looking at you now, people will immediately suspect you.”
“…… sorry."
“How long do I have to say this? Huh? Do I have to boil my insides like this because of you?”

Étienne's head lowered gradually at the continued reprimand. It hadn't been a day or two since the Empress had tortured him like this, but today, his heart felt particularly tight.

“That is very strange.”
The empress wrinkled her brow as Étienne silently lowered his head. She muttered as if she couldn't understand.

“How did something like that come out of my stomach?”

I was sick and tired of the words that were meant to hurt. Étienne felt his stomach grow hot and bit the inside of his mouth hard. He wondered where the blood was coming from, and there was a fishy taste in his mouth.

“Everything would have been easier if you weren’t an omega…..”

The Empress did not care whether Etienne was hurt or not. Rather, she lamented openly. She glared at Étienne with her irritated eyes.

He is a son who inherited her appearance as it is to the extent that anyone can see that they are parent and child, but she is not at all attached.

For the empress, Etienne was the only stain on her perfect life.

‘Princess Herace. I cannot marry you.’

Her old memories came to mind. It's already been more than 20 years, but it's as vivid as if it were yesterday.

That day was the first time she'd hurt her pride.

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