Vol-5: Chapter 29.2

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“It is done.”

"Hmm? Ah."

Étienne, lost in his thoughts, was distracted by Ben's voice. He looked down curiously at the unusual style of clothing.

“If I had more time, I would have gotten a better cloth….....”

Ben murmured with a sad expression. The clothes he prepared were fashionable street clothes for the middle class, such as lower nobles and merchants. Although the design was fine and the fabric was of high quality, it was far short of what Etienne could wear.

Ben didn't like that the prince, who had grown up with only the best food and clothes, wore the clothes worn by servants like himself.

“This is enough. Soft to the touch.”

Unlike the dissatisfied Ben, Étienne was very satisfied. He turned and moved his body around. He didn't have any cumbersome jewels or trinkets, so he was easy to move.

As Etienne, wearing a hood, checks his outfit one last time, Ben brings a glass of water and a medicine cabinet.

“Do you really need to take medicine? It's a difficult drug break.......”

“I can only eat it today. I won't eat it tomorrow."

Etienne, who had put several pills in his mouth at once, drank the water in one gulp. He knew from the previous incident that he was affected by Richard's pheromone, so it didn't hurt to be careful.

“…...Will you come back today?”

Ben, who put the ointment in Etienne's eyes, asked in a worried voice.

"Of course. No, if it's too late, could I sleep for a night or so?”


Etienne's murmur raised Ben's voice. Étienne smiled lightly and patted Ben on the shoulder as his eyes widened.

“What are you so surprised about? There is such a thing as an unexpected situation.”


“If I can't come back today, don't be upset and hide it well. Understand?"

“Don’t say anything ominous.”

Ben, openly straight, replied bluntly. Étienne added his afterwords in a soft voice as if soothing a frowning child.

“I will contact you right away if the story gets longer or if there is an unexpected situation. Don't worry too much.”

“How can I not worry?”

Ben grumbled all the time. He wanted to say that he would follow Etienne even now.

But he had to endure it because he knew better than anyone else that he couldn't do that. While Étienne was away, when an unexpected situation occurred, such as the arrival of Count Maef, the only thing he could deal with was himself.

“The carriage?”

“I put it on standby for sponsorship.”

"Good job. Did you get the coachman to keep his mouth shut?”

"Yes. He said he was going to order something special for His Highness the Prince. They will drop you off in front of the jeweler's guild near the Grand Duke's residence.”

"Good job."

“When you get off, you can see the Grand Duke's residence right away, so it won't be difficult to find it. However, there is quite a bit more distance than it seems. The mansion looks big......You will have to walk a lot more than you think.”

"I am okay. It’s okay to walk slowly.”

As they went out to the backyard while chatting, the coachman who was checking the wagon found the two of them and rushed over.

“Are you here, Chief Attendant?”

“Um, yes. Are you ready?”

“We can leave right away.”

"Good. Do you remember what I said earlier? I'll take care of coming back, so all you have to do is take him there.”

"All right."

The coachman replied with a friendly face. Étienne slightly nodded his head at the coachman.

"I will leave it up to you."

“I heard from the chief attendant. You said you just entered the palace?”

"Yes. I’m very nervous because it’s my first errand.”

"Do not worry. I will take good care of you.”

The coachman pounded his chest as if to trust only him. Étienne nodded his head at him once again and climbed into the carriage. He then pulled out the perfume from his pocket and sprayed it on.

“Please be careful.”

He whispered in a low voice as Ben closed the carriage door. Étienne smiled at him, as if telling him not to worry.


The carriage moved along with the driver's command.

Thinking that I would be able to meet Richard in a little while, my heart raced with tension mixed with excitement.

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