Chapter 79 - She's The Only Girl

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"Who are you talking about?" Fred asked his wife. He doesn't want to assume that he knew who Hilda implies because there are two women in Vincent's life at present. However, one can't call as his woman when they never live as a couple.

Hilda twitches her mouth as she scowls at her husband. She could not admit it, but she doesn't want to say that other girl's name.

Fred tilted his head to the side and looked at his wife downward. Hilda understood what Fred was trying to convey to her, but she only returned a glare.

"I'm talking about those two women!" Hilda snapped at her husband.

Vincent witnessed how his parents are tossing blatant stares at each other even they tried not to be obvious. But it didn't hide their silent conversation through their eyes in front of him, who was keenly watching them.

"Mom, if you are talking about Hailey, whether I would take her to Australia? Yes, I will. But she wanted to complete her lessons for this school year." Honestly, it was only his guess because he hasn't discussed it with Hailey yet, nor she knew he needed her to accompany him to Australia. If Hailey joins him in Australia, then he would be so glad. "—besides, mom. Hailey is from Australia. Her family was there."

Hilda was like stumbling on the floor upon listening to Vincent mentioning that girl's family. It was like Vincent seemed planning to meet them!

Hilda clenches her fists. Afterward, she heaves a long sigh to calm herself down. She realized she should not let herself have these crazy thoughts. Otherwise, it would stress her completely.

She may only overthink what isn't happening yet or, perhaps, would never happen.

That girl is only a mistress. Can she dare tell her family? Unless that girl's family is tolerating her ugly behavior of having a relationship with a married man because they can milk money from Vincent.

Some people are like that. They would not discipline their children and care less to teach them what is right and wrong. Having an affair and a liar human being are the two things she hated most in this life. She condemns all these kinds of people, along with their family, who allow this kind of shameful behavior.

"Okay. Which city is it?" Hilda asks casually. There is no emotion exhibited in her eyes but a somber expression on her face. She ascertains that Vincent would not notice the roughness in her tone.

"Sydney, mom," Vince replied.

"And you will work at?" Hilda queried furthermore.

"It will be in Northeast Australia, mom." Vince had a sense that his mom has something to tell him, but she seems taken aback.

"I see." Hilda sipped on her tea. Now she is out of questions to ask Vincent further. No. She still has a hundred questions running inside her head, but she could not gather the courage to voice them out all.

Moreover, if she stresses out her words, Vincent would thoroughly think of her as a villain. But how could she encourage Vincent to stop his foolishness if she wouldn't speak out? Ah! She felt like her head is throbbing.

She is certain that the girl hid something. She had a strong intuition, and she is never wrong about it. How if that woman is not a decent person but only fooled him?

Hilda, we're planning to search for evidence that that girl is truly an Escort working at an international agency. And the worst truth she could ever think of is that girl working with someone to sabotage Shen's projects.

The more Vincent rise to the top, the more people envied him.

Hilda is contemplating while she was staring at her tea. She has been thinking.

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