Chapter Thirty Seven- Exposed...

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Elsa and Jack had made there way to bed, exhausted and awaiting for their bodies to collapse into bed. Jack opened the door to their chambers unclasping his button to his cape. Throwing it onto the chair by the door he sat on the bed taking the hard black shoes off. Elsa stood in the mirror and whipped the crown off her head feeling the weight finally off her little head, setting the crown on the table in front of the mirror she sat down running the brush through her long platinum locks. Jack stood behind her rubbing her shoulder and then taking his own heavy crown off and placing it by Elsa's.

Jack " I'm sorry for upsetting you earlier..." his throat croaked.

Elsa " You didnt upset me"

Jack " I thought I had"

Elsa " No you haven't" she said finishing brushing her hair.

Jack " Are you ever going to tell me what's really upsetting you then?" He ask calmly.

Elsa" What do you mean?"

Jack " About what Fredrick said to you or are we going to pretend that you're fine?"

Elsa " Everything is fine" she said getting up from the chair and walking to get ready for bed.

Jack " Do I really have to go see Fredrick myself and ask him?" He rubbed his eyes.

Elsa " No! Don't do that!" She whipped suddenly around facing Jack.

Jack " Then are you going to tell me ?" He sat on the edge of the bed near Elsa.

Elsa " Like I told you he just put me in my place about being Queen"

Jack " There's got to be something more than that Elsa why can't you just tell me?"

Elsa " Because I don't want you to get angry "

Jack " Angry? Why would I get angry?"

Elsa " No reason"

Jack " Elsa..... are you being serious right now?"

Elsa " What?"

Jack " Stop pushing me away and tell me"

Elsa " Fine..... you want to know? Fredrick yelled at me and put me in my place reminding me it's my duty to provide the kingdom with an heir and he yelled at me because I wasn't pregnant " she says grasping her shoulders and hugging herself.

Jack" WHAT? How could you not me this?! Does he know who he's talking to?" He angrily said.

Elsa " Hes right it is my duty and I let them down ...." She grew sad.


She had only seen him angry once and it had scared her, she was afraid because it reminded her of Pitch and how he would throw her around and grasp her by the neck sometimes. She didn't like seeing Jack like this and when he stepped forward to grab her hand it triggered something in her mind.

Elsa " Dont touch me!" She stepped back feeling helpless and scared.

Jack was startled and lost for words he hadn't meant to scare her so much, had he really gotten that angry? He could see in her eyes that they were afraid, afraid of him. What was going on in that mind of hers? He stepped forward again trying to take her hand more calmly but she jumped backwards and towards the door.

Jack " Snowflake I'm sorry didn't mean to scare you" he says reaching for her again.

Elsa " I said some touch me! Leave me alone!" And she ran out the room.

Elsa had spent that night crying alone in another room, salty tears down her cheeks until she fell asleep.....

The next morning Elsa woke up knowing that there was an important meeting yet nothing was going as planned, Her and Jack had there first fight about a council member and she felt guilty, guilty that it was her fault, guilty because she knew she should have told Jack the truth. Why? Why was she so scared of telling him things? Was it the fact that she'd always let her parents down? That she let Jack down?

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