Chapter Twenty Four- Home

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The bright sun spilled into the palace of Arendelle and all was quiet through the hallways. The servants were up doing chores and getting everything ready for another beautiful day.

Elsa tossed and turned in her sleep another night full of nightmares that haunted her dream it wasn't until she heard a loud knock at the door she was woken up from her maddened dream. Elsa jumped up out from her covers and opened the door.

Anna" Good morning!" She said happily.

Elsa rubbed her tired eyes wondering why Anna was up so early.
Elsa" Anna? What are you doing up so early?"

Anna" Well, I have a surprise, it was meant to be here for your birthday but, it didn't make it."

Elsa" You didn't need to get me a present or anything Anna you know that I'm fine with nothing"

Anna" Trust me this is a surprise you'll like, now come on get dressed it's waiting in the ballroom for us"

Elsa" Okay give me five minutes I'll meet you outside in the hallway"

Anna walks away and waits for Elsa. After closing the door Elsa however begins to get ready, throwing her ice dress on and brushes her blonde hair back into its normal do she opened the door and heads towards Anna who is still waiting outside for her. Once getting to Anna she sees that not only was Anna there but Kristoff, Olaf, and Jack were waiting for her as well.

Elsa" Okay what's going on?"

Anna" I told you it's a surprise"

Elsa" I don't understand why everyone else is here"

Anna" you'll see" she says smiling.

After walking all the way towards the ballroom Anna stands outside making sure Elsa doesn't go in just get straighten her dress up and standing talk back towards her sister, she pulls on the handle of the giant oak doors and opens then to reveal two figures standing there in the middle of the ballroom.

One figure tall with short dark brown hair and brown light eyes standing with his blue vest over his white cotton shirt, black pants and shoes and a bag draped over his shoulder. The other was shorter with blonde long hair and mesmerising green eyes that jumped straight out, she wore a long purple dress with gold highlights and puffed round shoulders with long sleeves. A little green chameleon sits on her right shoulder with its eyes wide.

Elsa" Punzie?!"

Punzie" Hey Elsa"

Flynn" Hey there guys" he waved.

Elsa" How are you here right now?"

Punzie" Well it's a long story but, to keep it short and sweet we were supposed to be here for your birthday but something happened back in corona"

Flynn" Yeah I dont think they want to know about that" he chuckled.

Elsa" Well thank you so much for coming, I hope everything is okay back home now though?" She says walking back down through the big wooden doors again with everyone walking side by side while Olaf waddled after them.

Once they reached the kitchen they all sat around the table and dug in to there breakfast. Punzie couldn't help but notice the white hair man sat at the table and wondered why he was here.

Punzie" So Els, who is this young man here?" She said gesturing towards Jack who was sat quietly next to Elsa.

Elsa" Sorry this is Jack Frost"

Punzie" Oh Trust me I know who he is, I was just wondering what he's doing here" she said giggling to herself.

Elsa" Wait how do you know who he is"

Punzie" I've read books on the guardians before I know there's North, Bunny, Tooth, sandy and Jack Frost, they all have their individual personalities and stories"

Jack" Wow I've never really met someone who's read about us before but, it would explain how you can see me"

Elsa" What do you mean see you?" She questioned.

Jack" Well ummm.... I'm kinda invisible to everybody else who doesn't believe" he frowned remembering a time that full of people stepping through him.

Elsa"Oh....." she said sadly seeing a change in his facial expressions.

The room went into a silence for a moment, the feeling of not knowing what to say hit them all around and Anna being herself couldn't take it anymore.

Anna"To answer your question of why Jack is here well I'm happy to say my sister and Jack are engaged!" She yelled happily.

Punzie" Oh my gosh! Elsa thats wonderful news!  I can't believe it I'm so happy for you two" her voice sounding full of sunshine.

Kristoff" So we're sorry you couldn't make it for the wedding you were missed"

Flynn" I mean we wished we could have been here but like blonde said here unfortunately there was situation at corona that needed to be taken care of."

Anna" Oh its fine you didnt miss much,Anyways we went to church got married and had a a party like the same old thing"

Punzie " I know but, I feel bad I missed my own cousins wedding!"

Anna" Nonsense don't feel bad plus we have Elsa's wedding to look forward to now."

Elsa blushed by her own thoughts who would of thought she would be getting married? To let alone Jack Frost himself who had gone quiet ever since he'd mentioned nobody could see him unless he believed in him. She felt sad for him how come he hadn't mentioned this before to her? All that time being alone when exactly did he become a guardian?  They'd talked about his sister and what had happened on his death bed but, nothing about nobody seeing him. Something inside her stomach flipped her heart broke for him and she knew she needed to talk to him about it. At least when she got the chance too of course.....

It had been ages since she'd seen Punzie and Flynn, the last time she'd seen them was when they'd came to her coronation and that was a day she hated talking about. However they had seen each other after that, of course after everything had calmed down and everyone in Arendelle finally knew they shouldn't be afraid of her well at least for now, there was still a lot of people who were scared of her. Even she would be afraid of herself if she was in their shoes. She was scared of herself most times.... It's strange to think she had a cousin out there she never knew about until before the coronation of course that was another story. Being locked up in a tower for eighteen years with a mother who wasn't your mother In reality was a lot to take in, however she knew the consequences of being alone for eighteen years.... She had been in that room for so long she could never look at it the same. Although it wasn't exactly the same of having an evil mother who told you , you could never step outside until a certain thief came along and stole her heart and she changed him into a good person who loved her, just like she loved him after all they were husband and wife themselves.

Punzie and Flynn had gone through a lot after "happily ever after" they'd gone to corona were Rapunzel had met her true parents learnt to be a princess for real and struggled with it for time then after suddenly getting her magic hair back and going on adventures with flynn and friends they'd finally agreed to tie the knot and settle down. Of course that didn't mean they hadn't stopped their adventures for good. But Elsa envied them a little she would have loved to be free and travel the world. Even though it would be hard with ice powers and its not like she hadn't thought of abdicating the throne and letting Kristoff and Anna have it,I mean they had their heir on the way so really what was stopping her from doing it? Oh right yeah herself..... because she knew somehow it would let her parents down and she'd already been a disappointment with being born with powers.....

They all spent the rest of the day hanging out and talking, Rapunzel and Flynn got to know Jack considering he was going to be part of the family soon, Elsa ran in and out finding them after doing paperwork and taking care of trade for Arendelle like she always did. Rapunzel and Flynn  promised they would stay for a while maybe even after the wedding,Rapunzel's  parents had everything under control until they got back with the help of friends. Once they'd all settled down Anna suggested one thing that Elsa hated the most.........


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