Forty Nine

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I woke up in a bit of a daze from the night prior but my daze turned to happiness the instant I laid my eyes on Daryl laying beside me, already wide awake, looking over a motorcycle magazine just like he used to do in the prison. The flashback of him a little younger with shorter hair and no clue in the world what was going on, brought a smile to my face as I turned to face him. I moved a bit closer, laying my head on his shoulder as I looked at the pages alongside him in silence. I waited a few minutes before putting my hands on his and closing the magazine before climbing on top of him. We were still naked from the night before so it wasn't hard to get something going again.

I was getting ready across the bedroom when I turned to look toward Daryl, I instantly smiled when I saw him standing there in his uniform, he seemed a little put off by it but I thought he looked adorable as he stood there trying to hide his pride. I approached him from behind, wrapping my arms around his waist and smiling at him through the mirror, "You look handsome." He shook his head and moved his hair from his face, "Nah." I nodded and mocked his 'nah' with a 'Yah' before laughing and pinning my hair back from my face. We headed out toward the office after meeting up with Rosita.

We get to the office and I go straight to mine, sitting at my desk getting ready for the bland day ahead. I'm going through the files of the new recruits as Mercer steps in, closing the door quickly behind him before sitting on the chair across from my desk. I smirk as he avoids looking at me, "Can I help you?" I ask. He shrugs, "I just wanted to check in on you and make sure you're adjusting okay." I chuckle softly as I continue reading through the files, "Didn't think you gave a shit." He sighs as he leans forward with his handed clenched together, "I do, I just wanted to see how you're adjusting to the new place after being out there for so long, must be weird for you to be on a different level socially than your husband and friends." I shrug, "I don't consider myself higher or lower than any of them, regardless of what the commonwealth categorizes me as, I'm equal to them and them to me, just like it's always been." He sighs, "I know but I just wanted to make sure that you're adjusting well." I set the file down and close it before looking at him, skeptically, "Is this a test or something?" He chuckled nervously, "Can't get nothing past you, yeah, Vickers was asked to check in on you but I figured you'd feel more comfortable talking to me. Plus, if you say anything negative, it won't get back to anyone anyways." I smirk, I mean, he is right, I trust him more than anyone else here but I wouldn't tell the whole truth to anyone but my group anyways. "Actually, I'm adjusting better than I thought I would." Well, I guess I am telling the whole truth today, oops. He nods, "That's good, so you think that this position is a good fit?" I shrug, "I mean, it's kind of what I went to school for minus the whole court room thing and it's more mental and being an observer than I thought it would be but I'm not mad about it. I used to sing in a band and have to mentally drain myself a lot while on stage trying to make everyone happy so kind of staying in the back and just being there to observe is more my style nowadays." He nods, "Good to hear, are you still upset that you aren't a recruit?" I shook my head, "I got over that the minute I got my own office." He smiles briefly before clearing his throat, "Good, I could use your help if we ever get a swarm, I've seen what you can do out there but I think I'd rather have you here doing your thing, you've been a big help." He gets up and heads for the door before stopping and glancing back at me, "Has Sebastian bothered you anymore?" I shook my head, "No and even if he did, I'm not worried about him." He sighs, "You should be, he has a certain way of making people disappear, just watch your back when it comes to him." He turns back around, "You know, when I first met you and Dixon, I wondered why you'd be with him out of everyone but after observing you two together, I can see why it works." I chuckle, "That seems to be everyone's first thought until we're in our own world in front of them." He crosses his arms and looks serious for a moment, "I see a darkness in you that is useful and I'm envious of how well you're able to tame it. Daryl lets it out while you keep it hidden, how do you do it?" I shrug, "I don't know, I guess I had to learn how to deal with it early on in this shitty world." He goes to say something before Vickers opens the door and pulls Mercer away.

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