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-Later That Afternoon-

After I played through the song a few times to get it down, Daryl and I went off to explore Alexandria together. We sat at a bench by a big garden area, it seemed to be the only place without a bunch of people around. We were quiet for a few minutes before he said, "I didn't know you could sing like that." I chuckle, "Thanks, I think." He wrapped his arm around me, pulling me closer, "It's a compliment, believe me. I remember you humming something whenever we'd go to sleep together at the prison and you sounded nice humming, I just didn't expect you to actually be able to sing like you can." I shrug, "I'm full of surprises, I guess." He smirks, "Yeah, you are. You seemed really into the song you were singing." I glanced up at him, "I was processing the lyrics as I was singing them and realized they remind of you, like I wrote them for you even though I obviously didn't write the song." He kissed me cheek, "They reminded me of you too." I looked in his eyes, and saw the blue in them clearly as if they were almost sparkling, I just smiled at him before leaning closer to him. We sat in silence for a few minutes as we people watched, I saw someone familiar a few yards away so I sat up quickly and stood up to try to see him better, I put my hand above my eyes to block out the sun before he got closer and my heart sank. I started hyperventilating, Daryl quickly grabbed me to sit me back down, "Breathe, Jojo. Come on." He makes me look him in the eyes and breathes along with me until I finally calm down. I'm taking slow deep breaths in and out as he asks, "What is it?" He's looking around in the direction I was looking in, I shook my head and leaned over to stare at the ground, "I thought I saw-" I hear footsteps right before I'm cut off, "I knew it was you, Mel." I looked up and saw exactly who I thought I saw a few yards away standing right in front of me, I saw his 'Josie' tattoo across his thumb and gulped before I looked into his eyes, "Get the fuck away from me." He crossed his arms, "What the fuck?" He sounded surprised before he stepped forward as he raised his voice, "Who the fuck do you think you're talking to?" Daryl stood up and grabbed him by his arm, shoving him back, "Who the fuck are you talking to, man?" I stood up behind Daryl a little bit, almost to shield me from anything he might do, he looked between Daryl and I before scoffing, "You get rid of me to shack up with some hick?" I gulp as Daryl shoves him to the ground, he goes to hit him but I stop his fist mid swing, he looks back at me with anger painted across his face before his expression softens and he steps back, "Jojo, who is this?" My heart sinks as I look at the ground, "Chris." He steps back for a minute as Chris got up, "I'm her boyfriend, fuckwad, who the fuck are you?" I scoff, "You're not my boyfriend, Chris. He is." I motion toward Daryl before Chris looks him up and down, "Come on, really?" Daryl clenches his jaw and steps toward him but I put my arm across his chest to stop him. Chris crosses his arms, "How long have you been here, Mel?" I glare at him as I step forward, inches from him before spitting in his face. He goes to punch me like he used to but I stopped his fist mid swing and head butted him so hard that it made me dizzy, I stepped back trying to get my footing as he fell to the ground. Daryl leaned next to him, checking his pulse before he stood back up and chuckled, "You knocked him out cold, he'll be alright." I scoff before I spit on him again, "He should be dead, what the fuck is he doing here?" I look at Daryl like he has the answer and he just shook his head, "I don't know, Jo. What do you want to do?" Before I was able to say anything some younger girl I haven't seen before comes running up, "Chris?!" She leans down beside him and looks up between Daryl and I, "What did you do to him?" She shouted. I roll my eyes as Daryl answers, "He got knocked out because he was trying to hit her." She scoffs as she glares up at me, "Chris would never do such a thing." I lean down beside her and show her a cigar burn on my arm, covered by a tattoo, "You see that cigar shaped burn mark hiding under this tattoo?" She nods without taking her eyes off of it, I stood back up and pointed at Chris, "That mother fucker did this to me because I couldn't read his mind and make what he wanted for dinner." I pull my shirt up so she can see the scar above my belly button, "You see this?" She nods once again with a saddened look on her face this time, "He wanted to 'try something new' in the bedroom one night and tied me down while he cut me with a fucking kitchen knife as I screamed for him to stop, wanna know what he did while I screamed in pain?" I leaned down close to her face, "He fucking laughed at me. He deserves to fucking die." She stood up in front of me, "I'm sorry that happened to you but he's found god and is a changed man now." Daryl rolls his eyes and chimes in, "Then why did he just try to punch her?" She shrugged before looking back at me, "What did you do?" I feel the anger bubble up within me as I asked, "What did you just say?" She looked between Daryl and I in confusion, "What did you do for him to want to hit you?" I started laughing uncontrollably like I was in shock before I slapped her across her face as hard as I could.

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