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Abraham worked under the bus while I worked above him, we had to tweak the engine a bit but we ended up getting it to run after like 5 hours or so and many many breaks. Rosita and Eugene basically just sat around while Abraham and I did everything else. I'm cleaning up a bit before I close up the hood when I notice the 3 of them leaned up against the side of the bus, staring at me. "What are you looking at?" They all shake their heads as Eugene and Abraham walk off a bit, lingering a few feet away as Rosita crosses her arms and looks me over, "Are you not upset that Rick sent your man off with another woman?" I scoff, "Carol? Please." She gives me a strange look, "Haven't you seen how those two interact with each other?" I nod slowly, "Yeah, what about it?" She shrugs, "I don't know, I'd just be a little pissed off if Abraham was close to some of other woman like yours is with her." I shook my head, "First off, they've known each other longer than I've known either of them and it's not a romantic dynamic at all. Secondly, I don't have time to play high school drama games with you, we've all got shit to do and part of my to do list is not to get in between Daryl and Carol's friendship." She scoffs, "Friendship, my ass, those two are in love." Abraham steps in, "Rosita, What are you doing? That man is not in love with that woman, stop whatever you're doing." She looks at him with an annoyed expression, "I thought you wanted to convince her to go with us?" He looks at me in a panic before I cross my arms and glare at both of them. Eugene steps in between us, "If I may, none of this relationship stuff matters anyways so it doesn't matter who's in love with who, we just need to get to Washington and save the world." I roll my eyes, "Blow me, you fucking creep." I walk to the front of the church ignoring Abraham's plea's for me to come back to talk with them.

Most of the group is gone so I decide to lay on one of the pews closest to the cross and take a nap. I woke up to Judith crying and sat up immediately, looking around at everyone. I glanced outside and saw it was dark, "Daryl hasn't come back?" Maggie shook her head with a sad expression, "No, it's been dark for hours now too so we're all worried." I rub my face with my hand in frustration before standing up and shouting, "If you're so fucking worried why hasn't anyone went out there and looked for them?!" Rick stood up, "Hey! You're going to need to calm down. Sometimes when he goes on runs, if it's too dark to come back they camp out then come back in the morning. It's going to be fine, he'll be back." I glare at him, "I'm so fucking sick of you telling me what to do all the time, man. I'm going out there." He shook his head and rushed me, holding both of my arms by my sides, "You're going to calm down and wait until morning, we can't afford to lose you too." I slow my breathing down and close my eyes, "Fine, you can get off of me now." He sighed as he let me go. I stormed off to Gabriel's office area and slammed the door behind me. I took my knife out and starting carving things into the wall.

I carved out a few shapes before Maggie came into the room, shutting the door behind her, "Hey." Her voice was soft as she stood with her back against the door, I could tell she was judging my reaction before she approached me, "I always start to like Rick then he pisses me off again." She chuckles as she sat down beside me, "Yeah, he has that effect on people. Listen, he's right about Daryl though, he's fine. Nothings going to happen to him." I sigh, "Thats what my Dad told me right before David got shot in the head." She sighed as she rested her forehead in her hands, "Look, we've all lost people and we're probably going to lose more people, we don't need you being like this on top of all of it." I glance at her, "I'm not allowed to be upset that Daryl was sent out by Rick and didn't come back? Eat shit." She sighed, "Josie, come on throw me a bone here or something. I can't have you mad at me like this." I chuckled softly, "I'm not mad at you, I'm just upset with myself. This morning could've been the last time I'll ever see him again and I never got the chance to tell him I love him." She looks at me like she's shocked, "You two haven't said that to each other yet?" I shook my head, "No, I've been wanting to but I'm afraid he won't say it back so I've been waiting for him to say it first." She sighed, "I can't relate to that, I blurted it out without a care back on the farm and freaked Glenn out for a bit." I laughed lightly, "See? I assume if I told Daryl I love him, he'd just run off or avoid me." I felt sorrow overcome me as I saw his face in my head, he never smiled much, but when he did, it was always at me. I kept replaying this morning over and over again in my head but it was cut short when we heard something loud coming from outside the church.

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