Twenty Two

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I threw on the horrid tight black dress that he wanted me to wear before heading down to speak to Sherry, she was in what Negan referred to as the 'wife area'. The past few days have dragged by, I had to keep doing little favors for him to test my loyalty and I was getting so numb to it by now, I've had to watch them make Daryl dog food sandwiches and basically shadow Dwight from afar as he treated him like dirt.

I got to the room and saw the other 4 'wives' sitting together on the couch as the blonde one cried, I sighed and rolled my eyes as I went over to the bar area and took a few shots of scotch. It went down a little hard but I held it together. I turned around to look at the other wives right as Negan was coming in the room, my eyes widened when I saw Carl standing beside him. Negan made a few tasteless comments about how Carl could look but not touch before approaching Sherry. I overheard a little bit of the conversation but I was mostly watching Carl, he sighed and looked away as I shook my head at him. He stopped talking to Sherry before standing beside me, "Josie, dear, what is my one rule for you ladies?" I clear my throat nervously, "No cheating." He throws his hands up, "Thats right! No cheating, see, Josie gets it. She's been alone with Daryl, what?" He looks to me, "Twice now?" I just nod and look back at Carl before he started walking toward Amber, "And she hasn't laid one finger on him, tell me Amber, why can't you follow my one rule?" She started crying and I just scoffed quietly at how weak she was being in front of the wrong man, I understood her feelings completely but I wasn't sitting around blubbering about it. I was strictly focused on keeping my man alive. "I'm sorry, I was weak." As soon as she said that I just shook my head, "Yeah, you were. You need to man the fuck up and deal with this the way it needs to be dealt with." Negan smirked as he glanced back at me before standing up and approaching me slowly, "And how is that, Josie?" I glare up at him, "You just do as you're told, no more, no less." He put his arm around me and pointed his bat toward Amber, "Thats right, see, she's only been here a short time and she gets it, why can't you?" Amber and Sherry looked at me like I robbed their first born or something but I just looked away. "I'm giving you ladies a good life and you act like you're some sort of prisoner here, Amber, if you want to leave, just say so and you'll be free to go." She shook her head, "No, I want to stay. I love you, Negan."

After another pointless lecture about 'kind' he is to us, he turned to me, "You know, I haven't heard you say it yet." I crossed my arms, "Say what?" I knew what he meant but I wanted to buy sometime so I wouldn't gag when I was forced to say it. He leaned down near my ear, "I love you, Negan." He stepped back, "Your turn." I sighed as tears welled up in my eyes before staring him dead in his soul, "I love you, Negan." I gritted my teeth as I said his name, I'm disgusted with myself that those words even came out of my mouth and I felt I wanted to die when he stepped out of the way and Daryl was standing behind him in between Carl and Dwight holding a tray of fruits. I tried to stop myself from crying when I saw the hurt in his eyes and I was able to swallow it as Negan leaned down and stuck his tongue in my mouth right in front of him. He made it a point to grope me a few times before he pulled away and looked at Daryl, "Carl, take the tray. Dwight, take Daryl back to the yard." Daryl handed the tray to Carl before looking at Negan, "Why is he here?" Negan pointed his bat at him, "Ah ah ah, you don't get to ask questions, don't make me take his other eye now." I glanced at Carl who was watching the situation with white knuckles gripping the tray. Dwight drags Daryl out of view before Negan turns to me, "Why don't you go ahead down to the yard and make sure Daryl doesn't do anything to get himself killed? I'm going to have a chat with Carl here." I sighed nervously as I looked at Carl then back at Negan with pleading eyes, "Please don't hurt him." He chuckled, "I'm not gonna hurt him, my love, I'm just going to scare the shit out of him a little." I glanced back at Carl who just mouthed, "It's okay." I gave him one last glance before I left the room and headed out to the yard.

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