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**Time jump and NSFW content ahead, I'm also adding in two new OCs to fit the storyline for the next few parts**

A week or so later, we find ourselves in a new area. We went through some more horrible shit before we got here, we tried to make our way to DC and on the way, we lost Tyreese and almost starved ourselves out. A bad storm hit last night and we ended up spending the night in a barn Daryl found for us. Some man named Aaron found Maggie and Sasha while they were outside and invited us to come back to his community and after some convincing on Rick's part, here we are. We stood around waiting to be 'interviewed' or whatever as we each went in one by one. Daryl stepped outside and looked at me, "Your turn." I sigh and nod before I head inside of the house.

I'm shocked when I felt the cool air hit my skin and they had lights on in here. I looked around as I felt like I stepped into the past, I was caught off guard when an older woman stepped out of nowhere with her hand out toward me, "Welcome to Alexandria, I'm Deanna." I shook her hand and gave her an awkward smile as she motioned toward a chair across from the couch we stood behind, "Go ahead and sit down." She sat down in the middle of the couch as I set my sword and rifle down on the chair, "I'd rather stand." I looked out the curtains through the window behind us as she chuckled, "Whatever you want, do you mind if I record you?" I glance back at her and then see the camera set up behind her, I just shrug and she begins, "Alrighty then, what is your name and how do you know Rick?" I keep looking around as the anxiety builds within me, "My name is Josie Melvin and I've known Rick for a while now, not as long as the others but a while." She nods, "What did you do before all this?" I give her a confused look, "Why does that matter?" I asked, she just smiled as she spoke, "It matters more than you think." I sigh, "Well, I sang in a band for a few years but before that I was in law school, never finished though so that probably doesn't matter." She shook her head, "No, it absolutely does. Did you play any instruments?" I nod as I finally sit down across from her, she seemed pleased that I did so by the smile she gave, "Well, I could play Piano, Guitar and a bit of drums but I was best with piano." She smiles, "Perfect." I squint at her unknowingly, trying to get a better read on her before she chuckles, "Are you and Mr. Dixon married?" I shook my head, wondering how she would've even connected us to one another unless Daryl said something but that's highly unlikely, "Why?" She smirks, "You two are kind of mirror images of one another, based on mannerisms alone. I figured either lovers or siblings, but you have different last names so I just assumed lovers." I let out a sharp breath, "Well, should I bring anyone else in or are you good?" She smirks, "I'm good, for now. Thanks for talking with me, I look forward to doing it again." I just nodded and flashed an awkward smile before getting the fuck out of there.

I stepped outside as Rick stood at the end of the front steps, "Who's next?" I went down the steps and stood directly in front of him, he stepped back a bit before I answered, "She said she's good for now." Deanna then steps outside, "You guys are more than welcome to stay if you want, what do you say Rick?" He looks around at all of us before looking at Michonne, who just nods at him. He looks back up at Deanna, "We'll give it one night." Deanna claps her hands together excitedly, "Wonderful, I'll have Aaron show you where you'll be staying." She glances down at me, "Could I borrow you for a while?" I look around then point at myself, "Me?" She nods, "Yes, first, everyone follow me then I'll need Miss. Melvin for a bit."

We all follow her to the side of a building where a cart with a big bin is sitting, "We'll need you all to drop your weapons here. We don't allow weapons in the community." We all look at each other before Rick steps up first and puts his guns in the bin. I glance at Daryl, he just crossed his arms and shook his head, I put my hand on his arm, "Are you okay?" His demeanor softened a bit as he looked down at me, "Yeah, I'm just not giving up my bow." Deanna whispered something to Rick before he looked back at Daryl and nodded. Daryl nodded back so I just stepped forward and put my weapons down. Everyone else followed suit as Deanna announced, "Now these weapons are still yours and you're more than welcome to check them out when you go outside the gates." We all just nod and stay quiet as Aaron steps up and has everyone follow him, Deanna pulls me aside, "You can go and grab Daryl later, I have something I want to show you first." I look back at Daryl who is already watching me with a pained look in his eyes, I could tell he was majorly uncomfortable with everything going on but I haven't had the chance to talk to him. I saw Carol take him by the arm and I sighed in relief, maybe she'll be able to chill him out a little. I follow Deanna to a building a few blocks away from the front gates, she opens up the double doors and I'm surprised to see it's a big room filled with theater type chairs, a stage on the opposite side of the room with a grand piano and a microphone beside it. A tall, slender alternatively dressed guy steps out from behind the stage and looks surprised to see us, "Oh, hey Deanna. I didn't know anyone would be here." I'm a bit caught off guard by seeing a guy that looks like him, he looks exactly like the men I used to consider, 'my type' and I didn't know what to do with my hands so I just stood there gawking at him like an idiot as he approached us. Deanna noticed my demeanor and giggled slightly before she put her hands on my shoulders, slightly pushing me forward, "Liam, this is Josie. Josie, this is Liam. You two will be spending a lot of time together if you decide to take over the entertainment here in Alexandria." I glance up Liam as he stood in front of me, he was a lot taller than me so I felt really small in that moment but I forced a smile, "Hi." He smiled back, "Nice to meet you, so you can play?" I shrug, "I used to be able to, I don't know if I can anymore." He smirked, "Well, let's see then, shall we?" I look back at Deanna, "I'll catch up with you later, Josie. Liam you can take her to the smaller house on the corner when you're done. Take her by the bigger ones where her friends are first, she'll need to grab someone." She winks before stepping out of the double doors, keeping them wide open. I look back up at Liam, "After you." I motion for him to go first so he does.

Staying Alive//TWDFanFicWhere stories live. Discover now