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Lunch time arrived and I wasn't really that hungry so I avoided going where everyone else would be. I went out to where the vehicles are parked and sat in the bed of the truck, I brought a slim Jim with me just so I wouldn't feel weak and weird until I finally ate a real meal, I was halfway through it before Daryl jumped into the bed of the truck from behind me. He scared the shit out of me so I jerked back a bit before he sat next to me, he laughed, "Didn't mean to scare you." I smirked as I elbowed his arm, I broke off half of my beef stick and handed it to him, he started eating it as he looked around for a moment, "What're you doing out here?" I shrug, "Just didn't want to be in my cell or around anyone." He went to leave but I put my hand on his shoulder to stop him, "You don't count." He hid a smile, studying my face as he sat back down next to me. He finished the slim Jim before looking over at me, "You want to help me mess around with the bike?" I glance at him, "If by help, you mean watch you do everything then sure." He scoffs, "Nah, you're gonna do all the work, I'm just going to guide you through it." I throw a fake tantrum which I could tell caught him off guard but he thought it was amusing as he smirked, "Gotta learn somehow, let's go." He hopped over the side of the truck and I followed, walking toward his bike.

He went over to a table nearby so I took the opportunity and sat on the bike, when he came back over he set the tools on the ground and made a rectangle with his fingers, pretending to take pictures of me, I thought it was cute but shook it off and got up.

I spent the next hour or so doing everything he told me to do, I learned how to do a lot more than I thought I would in such a short amount of time but I always had the 'quick learner' gift, if you want to call it that. He put all the tools back and leaned against the table as he lit a cigarette, I stood about an arms length away directly in front of him and waited for him to take a few drags before I took it from his lips and took a few myself. He seemed a bit taken aback by it like he didn't know how to react so I crossed my arms, "What? You didn't offer so I figured I'd just take it." He smirked shyly before he took it back from between my lips, when his fingers brushed against my lips quickly like he was trying to avoid the contact, I felt an unfamiliar chill run down my spine. We just stared at each other for a few minutes before he offered me another drag, I took it and he flicked it away once I inhaled. He motioned for me to follow him as he said, "We should probably get going before everyone starts to wonder where we are." I nod as I follow closely behind him.

We go our separate ways once we reach everyone else, Maggie finds me and drags me to a nearby table, I sit down in between Maggie and Hershel, Glenn is sitting on the other side of Maggie, he glances up at me, "Oh, hey. Haven't seen much of you since you moved into C block." I shrug as Maggie hands me a bowl of what looks like peaches, "I'm kind of a loner." Maggie and Hershel chuckle as Maggie says, "Yeah, right. Everyone sees you and Daryl together every chance you guys get." I swallow a spoonful of peaches before replying, "He's a cool dude, plus, he's teaching me things." Maggie raises her eyebrows and looks over to Glenn, "Right." They both say in unison. I got a bit irritated that they were insinuating that Daryl and I were up to anything besides working on a bike but I swallowed it, I didn't want to seem like a raging bitch so soon, "I'm serious, he's teaching me how to fix up his bike. I'm hoping if we come across one, I can snag my own so I don't have to ride bitch with him every time we go somewhere together." Hershel glances at me before looking at Maggie and Glenn, "Leave her alone, you're obviously making her uncomfortable with your teasing." I shook my head, "No, it's alright, I just don't want anyone to think anything is going on other than what actually is." Hershel nods but Maggie and Glenn stay quiet for a moment before talking quietly to one another, I could tell by their body language it was flirtatious so I phased them out. Hershel spoke up after a few minutes, "So what did you do before all this happened?" I gave him a confused look so he continued, "I was a veterinarian, I also had a farm." I nod, "I was actually a singer in a metal band, believe it or not." Hershel chuckled, "Oh, I believe it. You have rockstar written all over you." I couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic or not so I just nodded and forced a smile, "Yep, I- uh- played local shows around Miami to Orlando and Tampa but never did anything outside of Florida." He nodded, "Thats interesting, I've never met a musician in real life. Maybe if this ever clears up, you can play us one of your songs." Glenn speaks up, "Did you actually sing or did you do that screaming stuff?" I swallowed the last of my peaches before answering, "I actually sang, I could never get the screaming thing down. My ex actually played guitar and did the screaming stuff." I was super annoyed with myself for being so open and mentioning my ex at all but I already let it slip so I just hoped they wouldn't pry any further about it, I was pleasantly surprised when Glenn said, "That's pretty cool, I always wished I could do the whole music thing but closest thing I got to it was guitar hero." I nodded, "So you played video games?" He nodded, "I did. Did you?" I chuckled as I nodded, "Yep and you'll never guess what my favorite genre was." He acted like he was thinking for a moment, "Lemme guess, zombie shooters?" I threw my hands up sarcastically, "How did you know?" They all laughed before Maggie glanced between Glenn and I, "See, honey? I knew you'd find someone that you could discuss nerdy stuff with eventually." I chuckled, "All the teenage boys around here and not one ever played a zombie video game? Doubtful." Glenn chuckled, "You'd be surprised." I stood up, "Well, I should probably get back to my cell. I have a whole bunch of nothing to catch up on." They all chuckled as I walked off. I felt good that I was able to open up a bit to them.

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