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**WARNING: Domestic Violence and SA**

I was walking into the dressing room behind stage after a tiring show, I sat on the couch by the door and waited for Chris to come in before I closed the door. I was immediately nervous when he was visibly drunk, he stumbled in the room and slammed the door behind him before basically falling on top of me. I shook my head and sighed before getting up, I took off my platforms and slid on a pair of slides. I check myself in the mirror before I go to step out of the room, Chris gets up to block the door like he usually did. I just rolled my eyes, "Let me go Chris, I have to go to the bathroom." He shook his head, "Not until you lay on that couch and let me do what I need to do." I wince and close my eyes as he shoves me down on the couch, I tried to fight him off but he overpowered me. I just laid there and took it like I always had to. When he was finished he shoved me on the floor and laid on the couch, I stepped out of the room and broke down when I saw David coming toward me. His eyes widened as I dropped to the floor, "What did he do, Jo?" What did he do?!" I shook my head as he pulled me back up on my feet, my Dad grabbed me as David rushed into the dressing room, slamming the door behind him.

**Domestic Violence and SA part is over**

I heard loud thumping sounds as the blows landed and screaming, even some crying from Chris begging David to stop. I looked to my Dad who all of a sudden had a bullet hole in his head, Alex and David were on either side of him with bullet holes in their heads and bright white eyes, "Why didn't you stop him?" Dad asked, I just shook my head as I went into a spiral, the whole room was blurry while my Dad and brothers were clearly visible, "Why didn't you save me, Jojo?" Alex asked. I started crying as David got closer to me and tilted his head, "It's time to wake the fuck up, Jojo. You belong with us and you know it." I shook my head, "No, that's not fair. You told me as you were dying to keep living for you, you can't take that back now." He smiled deviously, "You know I didn't mean that, I wanted you to die instead of me and you know it. You don't deserve happiness, I've seen how you pine after that Daryl dude, you don't even think about us anymore, we were just a timestamp in your pathetic excuse for a life. You're nothing, you'll always be nothing." I shook my head and screamed at the top of my lungs, "Get out of my head, you're not real! You're not real!" I fell to the ground and started rocking back and forth with my knees to my chest, I was caught off guard when my back hit a metal wall, I turned to see nothing there before doing it again a few times.

I finally woke up after hitting it one last time and saw everyone was kneeling down in front of me with worried looks on their faces. Daryl had his arms around me, the one behind me was blocking my back from the wall to lessen the blow I assume. I looked around at everyone and started apologizing, "I'm so sorry, this is why I don't sleep." Rick gave me a sympathetic look, "Are you okay?" I nodded, "Yeah, I'll be fine." Everyone except Daryl stood up and went about their business, he pulled me closer to him, "Are you sure you're okay?" I nodded, "Yes, I'm so sorry." I buried my head in his chest as rubbed my arm, "You don't have to be sorry for having nightmares, J." I just kept my face buried in his chest, Rick was making makeshift weapons out of the wood around the train car.

I eventually made myself stand up and I took over for Rick while he went over a plan with the guys, I heard someone outside of the door and got their attention, they all got quiet as the voices got closer. We all got into position and waited as they opened the train car door, we were all caught by surprise when they threw in a smoke bomb. I was blinded as I was shoved to the ground, I backed up against the wall and closed my eyes until I heard Daryl's muffled grunts. I stood back up and tried to feel my way down the wall to the door but when it was too late because when the smoke finally faded out, they closed the door. I started punching and kicking the door as hard as I could when I saw Daryl, Rick, Glenn and Bob were missing. Maggie wrapped her arms around me and pulled me away from the door, "It's not going to help, Josie." I started crying, "I can't lose him again, Maggie! We have to get out of here!" She pulled me in for a hug, "You won't lose him and I won't lose Glenn. They're going to come back and we need to be ready when they do, now quit your crying and help me." I nodded and started searching the car for the stakes we've already made, I was able to find four of them.

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