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We got to Hilltop and not even 5 minutes go by when I notice Daryl overhear Connie being told her sister, Kelly, disappeared on a run of some sort. He glances at me and I just roll my eyes, "Go, I know you want to." He gives me a longing look, "You don't want to go?" I shook my head, "I came here to help fix up the wall, not go on a hide and seek mission." He sighed, "Alright, I'll be back." He kisses my forehead gently before heading toward Connie. I just sighed and made my way over to the wall, I picked up a few things and began helping.

Miko (Yumi), approaches me after awhile, "Hey, Josie." I nodded at her as she began helping me by handing me boards, "I never really got to know at all while you were here, I was just wondering, what was your life like before all this?" I stopped what I was doing and gave her a 'wtf' look, "Why?" She shrugged with a smile, "I just like to get to know the people around me." She laughs to herself a bit, "I can see why you and the tracker are together, you seem to be one in the same." I eyed her for a moment before sighing and going back to what I was doing, "Well, I was a singer in a metal band, I was in Atlanta when all of this happened. I ended up in a camp with my father and two brothers, the camp ended up being invaded by a man who called himself 'The Governor', long story short my dad and brothers got killed, I survived and Michonne found me after a few months of surviving, barely, on my own." I look around, "And here I am." She nods, "I'm sorry for your losses, I know how hard it is to get through them." I shrug, "It's been years now, I'm not really phased by it anymore." She nods and stays quiet for a few minutes before seemingly out of nowhere asking, "What about your mum?" I glance at her, "What?" She smirked slightly, "Your Mum, I noticed you didn't mention her, why?" I cross my arms and face her, "What about your past?" She shook her head, "You first." I sighed, "My Mom had drug problems and left shortly after my younger brother was born, I haven't seen her alive since then. I went to look for her at the last known location I had of her, you know, after my dad and brothers were killed and I found her, only she wasn't alive anymore. She was one of them." I stared at the ground for a moment as the feelings of sorrow came over me, "Anyways, I was a few miles outside of the prison, Michonne heard the gunshots and the rest is history." She sighed, "Thats terrible, I'm sorry I asked." I shrugged, "Don't be, no one even knows that part of the story. Michonne just assumed I came across random walkers, I've never even told Daryl." She seemed intrigued, "Why not?" I shrugged, "He never asked." She nods, "I understand." She's quiet for a moment, "Hey, I heard Negan escaped, where do you think he's gone?" I shrug, "No idea but anywhere is better than being somewhere everyone wants to kill you." She squints like she picks up there's more to what I'm saying but she doesn't ask, "Well, I gotta go, I'll talk to you." I nod as I watch her run off, I was a little irritated that she got away with not sharing but relieved to be left alone once again.

After a few hours, Daryl finally came back. Connie, Magna and Kelly followed him, Magna and Connie brought Kelly directly to the infirmary as Daryl approached me. He stood beside me and started helping me silently, I just smirked as I handed him the hammer and he took over. I sit up on the table beside us, it took him a few minutes before he finally approached me, standing in between my legs, I wrapped my arms around him, "You need to stop leaving, one of these days you won't come back and then what am I gonna do?" He smirks, "Raise our daughter and never be with another man or I'll haunt your ass." I scoff, "You know I can't do any of this without you." He shook his head, "I couldn't do any of this without you or Beth to keep me going." He kisses me gently then puts his hands around my waist, "We should find somewhere to be alone for awhile, I don't know how much longer I can pretend that I don't wanna fuck you in front of everyone." I heard one of the builders behind us burst out into silent laughter, Daryl just glanced at him before looking back at me. I laugh, "When we go back to Alexandria, I'll be sure to give you a proper jump but until then, we gotta get this wall back up." He groans as he steps away and goes back to fixing the wall.

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