Thirty Six

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We finally made our way to Alexandria and the guards called for Michonne. We waited a few minutes before she popped up above the gate, she questioned Daryl for a moment before the gates opened. Daryl and I helped Henry to the infirmary, we made sure he was alright before stepping outside. I grabbed his hand, "You ready to see your daughter?" He smirked, "Let's go." I led him toward the house and opened the front door slowly, motioning for him to stay back as I entered. I looked in the living room and saw Debbie sitting on the couch beside Beth, reading her a book. "Hey baby." Beth's little head pops up from the couch and she grins as she gets up and rushes over to me, wrapping her arms around my legs, "Mommy! You're back!" I chuckle softly as I pick her up and squeeze her tightly, I put her back down and put my hand on the door, "I've got a surprise for you." I open the door slowly and her eyes light up when she sees Daryl standing there, "Daddy!" She rushes to him and he lifts her up, hugging her tightly. I could see the tears in his eyes from over her shoulder, "Hey baby." He said as she pulled away. "Are you going to stay this time?" Beth asks, he glances at me, "Yes, for a few days before the fair then I'll be back again." I smile as he glances at me. He puts her down and she grabs his hand, "I want to show my drawings, Daddy! Come on." She leads him upstairs and I look at Debbie who is grinning, "Finally got him to come back home, huh?" I shrug, "Took Henry almost dying but he's here." I plopped down on the couch beside her, "So, how's she doing?" She took a folder out from between the cushions of the couch and handed it to me, "She's learning to write her name now. She draws you and Daryl a lot, there's even a few drawings of Rick." I'm confused by that, "She hasn't seen him since she about a year old, how would she remember him?" She shrugs, "I asked her who he was and she said she didn't know, he visits her in her dreams sometimes and that he always asks her to look over Daddy. She said he's always holding her when she dreams of him." My eyes widen, "Oh my god, you think she's having memories from when she was a baby? Thats so strange." She sighs, "I think it's pretty cool, actually, she seems to be very intuitive which is rare. She's a special one." I smirk as I look at her cute little handwriting, 'Elizabeth Dixon' written in huge letters across the whole page. "Why is she writing out her full first name instead of just Beth?" She chuckles, "Oh, you'll love this." She sits up and lowers her voice, "She said that Beth is a baby name and she wants to be more grown up so she uses Elizabeth when she introduces herself to people now." I chuckle, "Oh god. 6 years old and already acting 16." She laughs, "Yep, she has quite the personality that one." I smirk, "I know, she's pretty rad, isn't she?" I glance at Debbie and she just smiles, "She is."

Debbie decided to head out so I saw her out the door before Beth came sprinting down the stairs with Daryl close behind, "Mommy! Daddy said you guys are staying until the fair, is that true?" I nod, "Yes, yes it is." She giggles excitedly before rushing back to Daryl, "Daddy, you should go to the river with me, it'll be fun. I learned how to skip rocks with Judith." I chuckle softly, "Maybe tomorrow, baby, we had a long day and want to hang out here for a bit. Plus, it's kind of late and about to get dark. Maybe you should get ready for bed and let Daddy relax for a minute." She huffed and crossed her arms, "But Mommy!" I sighed, "Go." I pointed toward the bathroom and she groaned as she stomped off. I tried to stifle my laughter at how adorable she was before looking at Daryl, "Told you she has your attitude." He rolls his eyes, "Nah, that's all you." I chuckled as I made my way over to sit beside him on the couch. I lay my legs across his and turn my body to face his, "How does it feel being back?" He shrugs, "It's kinda weird but I'm happy to be here." I smirk, "You excited to finally be back in our bed?" He nods as he puts his arm around my shoulders, "I'm even more excited that you'll be next to me." I smile as he leans down to kiss me softly, we wanted to do more but Beth came back into the room and basically screamed, "Mommy! Daddy! Get a room!" My jaw dropped as I looked at her, "Who on earth taught you that?" She shrugs, "I heard Negan yell it through the window at Rosita and Siddiq one time when they were doing what you were doing." I glanced at Daryl who was trying to hide a laugh, he sat up and moved my legs off his lap and motioned for Beth to climb up. She excitedly did and pulled away after a slight hug, "Daddy, you stink." I laugh as she looks over at me, "So do you, Mommy." I laugh even harder as Daryl starts cracking up, "I know, baby. We'll put you to bed then go ahead and take care of that."

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