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A day or two has gone by since I went on a run with Daryl, I noticed if I see him at all, he's usually out by his bike or on a watch then again I wasn't really looking for him anyways. Maggie introduced herself to me this morning and asked if I'd join her on her shift for the watch today, I agreed since I was bored out of my mind. Everyone seemed to be able to find something to do except for me.

I met Maggie at the tower as she swapped out with who I now know is Glenn, her boyfriend or whatever they are. I stood awkwardly to the side after she introduced me to him as they basically coochy cooed each other until he finally left. I grabbed a rifle and stood at the opposite end of the walkway from her. She eventually stood next to me, "You know, we can talk to each other." I glanced over at her and just stayed silent as she sighed, "Oh come on, I invited you because I wanted to get to know you. Daryl said you're pretty cool so I wanted to find out for myself." I smiled on the inside at the thought that Daryl actually might've said that, I couldn't even picture the words coming out of his mouth but it was nice to hear regardless if it was true or not. I sighed, "I'm sorry, I'm not used to being in social situations anymore." She smiled, "That's alright, I can just ask you some questions and you can just answer, if you're comfortable that is." I nodded, her southern accent somehow made me feel right at home, she made me feel comfortable. "You have anyone special in your life?" I glanced over at her to see if she was joking before I scoffed, "I do not." She chuckled, "I don't necessarily mean a boyfriend or girlfriend, I mean like family. Like, I have my dad and sister here with me and also, Glenn." I look down at the ground as I gulped, "Um, no I lost my dad and brother to the governor." Her face dropped, "I'm so sorry, I can't even imagine." I nodded slowly with a frown, "Yeah, it's not something I ever want to go through again so I try my best not to get attached to anyone which has been easy because there hasn't been anyone around in quite sometime." She nodded, "I understand."

We paced the walkway a few times in silence before she thought of another question, "So, where are you from?" I thought for a moment to see if I was going to lie or not, I decided not to, "Florida." She smiled, "I knew I picked up on an accent, now it makes sense." I chuckled softly, "Yep." She started rambling about how Glenn and the group came to Hershel's, Maggie's father, farm and they've been together ever since. I wasn't trying to be rude but I wasn't used to people so I kept fading her voice in and out and nodding when I felt like I needed to so she would think I was listening. I caught the last part when it started to get dark, "Well, Rick is going to be coming up here soon to relieve us so we can get dinner." I glanced over at her, "Okay." I managed to say, she sighed as she put her rifle down on the ground next to her, "Do you know how to hunt?" I was caught off guard by the question so all I was able to say was, "What?" She chuckled, "Can you hunt? You were on your own so long, I just assumed. Daryl's really the only one that can and I was just hoping he'd have someone to go with him now." I glance down at where his bike is parked but notice he's not there before I look back at Maggie, "When I was younger, I used to hunt with my dad. I'm no good with a gun but I'm good with a bow, I just haven't come across one since The Governor dude raided our camp." She nodded, "We can probably scrounge one up for you, or at least help you hunt for one." I force a slight smile at her before looking out at the sunset, "That'd be nice, I hate guns." She sighs, "I know the feeling." I raise an eyebrow as a few kids catch my eye out in the field, they look like they're going toward the prison and I looked away once I noticed they were going toward Carol. "So, is there anyone here that I should watch out for?" Maggie seemed caught off guard by my question but answered anyways, "Not really but if you notice anyone, let me know." I nodded as I heard footsteps approaching.

Rick stepped through the tower door and approached Maggie with a slight smile, "You're relieved." He said in a joking manner, she smiled as she rushed passed him. I stood there awkwardly as Rick and I made eye contact, we were silent for a moment before I handed him my rifle, "You're Josie, right?" He asks. I nod as he puts his hand out for mine, I shake his hand as he introduces himself, "I'm Rick Grimes." I force a slight smile, "Josephine Melvin." He nods as we pull our hands away, "Got any special skills that could help us out?" I shrug, "Well, I was telling Maggie that I know a thing or two about hunting but I'm shit with a gun, I'd do better with a bow." He smirked, "That could be arranged, lord knows Daryl needs some help going out there every now and then." I nod before crossing my arms, "Well, I should probably get going." He nods as he steps out of the way, I open the door to the tower as he says, "I know that all of this is probably a bit overwhelming after being alone for so long but don't worry, you'll adjust." I glance back at him and nod without making eye contact before making my way to where they're serving dinner.

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