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We've been through hell and back once again but we've made it out best we could. We got past the 'wolves' infiltrating our camp and walkers taking over everything for a moment there. We're finally back on track but it didn't come without losses.

I'm on my way to help Spencer, Deanna's son, with taking over his post for a while. His mother died along with the walkers and he hasn't been the same since, I've tried to help him out as much as I could but I could tell nothing could take away any of his sadness. Maggie basically took over everything Deanna was working on and Rick runs the place now. I smiled as I got to where Spencer was, he forced a smile back, "Thanks again, I'll be back in an hour." I nodded as he handed me an assault rifle, "Have fun, doing whatever it is you do out there." He chuckled softly, "Believe me, it's not fun but I have to do it." I nod as he climbs down the ladder. I look out toward the other side of the wall and scoff at the amount of walkers there were out there, we were over ran for a minute there but seeing one or two was nothing now.

**WARNING: Sensitive Subject Ahead, talk of baby loss.**

I was nearing the end of the hour when I heard someone climbing the ladder, I kept looking forward as I handed the rifle back, "Get what you needed to do, done?" The rifle is taken from my hand when I hear, "Not yet but I plan on getting it done later tonight, if that's alright with you." I turn around and smile when I see Daryl, "Where's Spencer?" He shrugged, "I don't know, I heard Michonne went out looking for him though, then I asked around and found out where you are." He hands me a paper with a list written on it, "If you need anything specific, go ahead and write it down, I'll try to find whatever I can." I smirk as I hand the paper back to him, "I don't need anything unless you can find a vibrator or something for when I'm feeling kinda lonely." He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close, "Why would you need something like that when I'm always willing to do it for you?" I chuckled, "I'm just kidding, I really only need pads or something to keep me from bleeding all over myself." I haven't stopped bleeding since that night, it's not as bad as it was at first but it's still pretty constant, it's really put a damper on our sex life, I'm surprised he still even wants me around at this point. The miscarriage took a huge toll on our relationship but not in the way I thought it would, I thought it would eventually shove us further apart but it only brought us closer. He tells me he loves me everyday and doesn't bring it up anymore, he did the first week but stopped once he realized it made me cry every single time he mentioned it. I guess Chris ended up getting what he wanted in the end, I won't be having someone else's baby, probably no one's ever now. On the bright side, in a morbid kind of way, we found his pregnant girlfriend a few days later and she was already dead when we found her so he won't be living on at all. I sighed in relief at the thought and Daryl gave me a weird look, "What?" I just shook my head slightly, "Nothing. When are you leaving?" He shrugged, "Probably soon, I'm just waiting on Rick." I grab his hand and squeeze gently, "Just come back to me, alright?" He smirked, "When haven't I?"

-Later That Evening-

I was on my way to Spencer's for dinner, he invited me to pay me back for taking parts of his shifts for a bit, I accepted since I was the only one with no plans of my own and Daryl wasn't back yet. I knocked on his front door but before my hand even touched the wood, he opened the door, "Come on in." He stepped out of the way so I went ahead straight to the dining area but stopped halfway there when I saw that the set up for the dinner was.... Romantic. I looked around awkwardly, "Uh, is someone coming by later?" He stepped beside me, "No, just you, why?" I felt a feeling of worry go through me, "Spencer, I don't want you to get the wrong idea about what's-" He shook his head, "My mom always set it up like this, I do it by myself too, I swear I would never attempt to steal you from Daryl of all people." I sigh, "Alright." He pulls out a chair for me so I sat down as he directly across from me and smiled, pouring wine into my glass, I shrugged slightly before taking a few gulps of it, "So, what are we having?" I looked down at my plate to see it looked like some weird pasta dish, he chuckled, "It's kind of like a beef jerky stroganoff type thing, it's better than it sounds." I take a hesitant bite before realizing it wasn't bad so I kept going. We ate in silence for a few moments before he finally spoke, "So, are you and Daryl married?" I spit my wine out a bit before I got myself together, I cleared my throat, "Um, no. We've only known each other for a little over a year or so now, I don't know, I don't keep count but no, we're not." He chuckled, "Wow, not a fan of marriage, huh?" I shook my head quickly, "No, I am, I just.... Wasn't prepared for that question is all." He smirked, "You and Daryl haven't talked about it?" I sighed, "Kind of, I mean, we want to eventually, just isn't the right time is all." He sighed as he swirled the wine around in his glass, "It'll never be the right time, not in this world. You should just go to Gabriel and have him marry you and get it over with, you never know when he might not come back from one of his runs." I gasp quietly before squinting at him, "He'll come back, he always does." He shrugs, "Yeah maybe today but there's going to be a time when he won't and do you really want to sit around wishing you would've done more normal things with him?" I shook my head slightly as I gulped, letting what he said sink in as I sat back in the chair and stared right through him. He's right, do I really want to sit around wishing I would've done more 'normal' things with him when I had the chance? I shrug to myself, maybe I'll just see how he feels about it when he gets back.

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