Chapter 57

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  Wangjing is the imperial capital of Daxia. Monks are not allowed to escape in Wangjing, nor are they allowed to use magic power at will.

  After entering Wangjing, you still need to register a Taoist disc to prevent demon cultists from mixing in. It can be said that Wangjing is the most peaceful and safest place in the entire world of cultivation.

  Gu Yue stood under the gate of Wangjing City, looking at this vast and majestic human city, and smiled sincerely with joy.

  And when other people passed by his side, they couldn't help but lose their minds. There is such a peerless and extraordinary cultivator in this world!

  In fact, during this period of time, there will be a hundred-door seminar, and there will only be a lot of practitioners going to Wangjing.

  However, in Wangjing, the difference between cultivators and mortals is not as obvious as in other places. The inability to use spiritual power and magic weapons at will means that there is no difference in appearance between cultivators and mortals.

  However, when Gu Yue appeared, everyone understood in an instant that he must be a cultivator. His skin was like jade, his face was radiant, he was dressed in flowing silver satin, and he was holding a spiritual beast that had never been seen by ordinary people.

  Its immortal appearance is unforgettable.

  Gu Yue looked away at this moment, and several people came to the city gate to register with the cultivators.

  When Ji Yu took out the Dao disc, the official in charge of registration showed a shocked expression.

  It’s Gungun Cult!

  Gun Gun Sect has been famous all over the world during this period, even Wangjing has heard of it, the people of Gun Gun Sect respect the principles of heaven, and Tao follows nature.

  It is said that as long as you believe in this doctrine, you can call yourself a member of Gun Gun Sect! This is such an unconventional and eclectic recruitment standard.

  And anyone who goes against Gun Gun Jiao will not end well. It is said that the once famous Xuanzhen Sect has now disappeared, and there are no disciples even in Wangjing.

  It was because Xuanzhen Sect had offended Gun Gun Sect that almost all branches of the huge sect were completely dismantled by Gun Gun Sect in just a few months.

  Nowadays, Gungun Cult is spread all over the country and is sought after by countless people. No one in the world knows about Gungun Cult. Even the Taoist discs are no longer valued by others. After all, Gungun Cult pursues Taoism and nature and does not need to collect property to obtain it. profit.

  This kind of astonishing handwriting can shock the world. It is said that the person who established the Gun Gun Sect is an expert from outside the world, an immortal from beyond the sky.

  Originally, the official was skeptical, but after looking at Gu Yue today, he realized that there was nothing false about it!

  At the same time, the official had already received instructions from Emperor Sheng that if he saw someone from the Gungun Cult, he would definitely invite this person to the palace.

  So they have been waiting for a long time!

  Gu Yue was a little surprised when he heard the official's purpose. He didn't expect that Gungun Cult would be attracted by Emperor Sheng.

  In the original book, Emperor Sheng was really good at discussing Taoism in metaphysics, otherwise he wouldn't have held these hundred seminars.

  Later, when Yin Li went to Xia Dynasty, because of his unique approach in discussing Dao, he won the first place on the list, and since then he has only been valued by the Sheng Emperor!

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