The Rise Of Nova

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❝ Just think about what you can do if you used your full amount! You can destroy buildings, cities anyone who stands in your way... A Nova Blast is something known to destroy the very existence of a planet. ❞

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"To your left."

"Duck. Then to your right."

Mother's words instructed you over the intercom, Ren stared in awe from the other side of the window as she watches you destroy the bots with your explosion quirk.

The woman watches with an unreadable expression, fumes rising from your palms as you looked around the training room that was cover with the dismembered parts of the bots.

'There's no doubt she is being fuel with built up anger..'

"What are you doing? Bring the other ones already!"

Pressing her finger on the button, Mother rested her other hand on her hip as she spoke "Don't use that pitiful quirk."

Your face twisted to one of confusion at her words, looking at the one-sided mirror window she continued to speak. "You have already mastered that easy used it easily as you would with breathing air..Use your Nova quirk, the quirk that has been bubbling at the surface for years. I think it's time to release it don't you?"

Moving your gaze from her, you looked down at your palms quietly "I don't know how..–"

"Yes you do. It just been erased from your memory but a little digging will bring it back to the surface where it belongs. Focus, zone everyone out... Everything..Your emotions, thoughts all shoved into one small box then just release."

Hearing the metal doors opening a larger not than the ones before making its way into the room, its gear rearing as it lifts its hand that held a motion blade. Backing away slightly you held your hand up to send an explosion for a Mother to speak. "Do not. Use. That. Quirk."

Jumping back in the nick of time just when the large running saw broke the ground you stood, you began to barely dodge the attack of the bot. Frustration building up, "That's the only quirk I could control! I can't use my other one!"

"Yes you can! If you keep speaking like that then you might as well call yourself a failure. We trained with only that quirk when you were little. You can't run from your quirk and past that will make you surpass anyone."

You tried to dodge once again until the bot strikes down its arm, your body flew back from reflexes although it was all too delayed once the bot had cut your arm when you tried to back away.

Falling landing on your wrist painfully, you didn't have enough time to recover as you continued to scoot back from the bot its blade striking every spot you moved quickly from. "Just turn it off already!"

"Mother should we stop the bot before it hurts my sister?!" Ren began to panic, Mother only ignored the child watching the scene unfolded in front of her eyes.

Cranking the bot's difficulties, She moved her finger from the intercom button silently "She may not be able to think in a state of panic..."

Feeling your back hit the wall, your eyes widened at the bot you trapped you, pressing your palms against the wall you couldn't move.

"But when your mind fails you... Your body always ends up being your can't always have a moment to think in a life and death situation... Only action."

Heartbeat ringing in your ears, your chest tightened while your breathing was uneven looking up at the bot.

Suddenly, everything began to move in slow motion, once the bot raises its arm you could feel a wave of heat burst from your toes to your skull.

𝐃𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲'𝐬 𝐁𝐫𝐚𝐭,k.bakugouWhere stories live. Discover now