Hero Festival

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{I have a photo of the four adorable cuties, her sidekicks just so you guys could have a better picture of how they look! I hope you guys like it, Enjoy the chapter!}

(P.s. I can't put pictures on here but if you click the link it should work)



(S/t)• Skin tone

(F/f)• Favorite Flavor}

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"Hi, Hirio!" You ran to the boy with a bright smile, "Are you excited for the Hero Festival?" He asked smiling widely, you nodded excitedly then you showed him your small notebook and pen "This is my first Hero Festival, I want to get every one of my favorite heroes Signature in here! Starting from my number one favorite to the last favorite!"

Hirio looked at your book in awe then smiled, showing his sharp toothy grin "Can I write my name in it?"

Pressing your notebook to your chest, wrapping your arms around it while looking at him with a small scowl "But you're not a Hero!"

"B-But I wanna be!" Hirio says, pouting then he smiled widely when he came up with an idea, "When we are older and I become a hero, can I sign it?"

You tapped your pencil against your chin with a small hum then nodded, "I guess, but only if I could be in your hero book too!"


"Your daughter is so cute, Bakugo! I could just eat her up!" Mina looked at you and Hirio in awe, Katsuki looked over to Kirishima who only chuckled "She always wanted a girl." he explained, "It seems Lil Bakugo is doing well, speaking of which I have to tell you we are still looking for her Mom, Midoriya says he has more details about where she was last seen on the day (Y/n) arrive-"

"Kiri! Kiri!" Kirishima looked down when you ran up to him holding up your book and pen to him, "Could you sign on his page, please? You can be my first hero with Mi-Mi!"

"Oh! Mi-Mi is so adorable!! Bakugo can I take her?!" Mins squealed, she scooped you as Kirishima grabbed the notebook and pen. Your eyes widened as she snuggled up to you, your face was pressed into her breasts nearly suffocating you.

Seeing you in distress, Katsuki grabbed you by the back of your shirt pulling you from her death grip, "Stop touching her and just sign the stupid book!" placing you down, he snatched the book from Kirishima once he was done and handed it to Mina who signed it with a smile.

"Hey, (Y/n)! Do you want your dad to sign your book?" Kirishima asked, you grabbed your book and pen from Mina then turned to look up at Katsuki who gazed down at you.

You were quiet for a moment then turn your eyes to behind him, your eyes lit up with a wide smile "Deku! Uravity!" Squealing you ran towards them with Hirio following after to greet Tenko.

Kirishima and Mina looked at each other with a nervous glance then to Katsuki who was staring where you once stood, "A-Ah, Sorry Bakugo, don't worry I'm sure you are always a hero to her." Mina tried to pat his shoulder until Katsuki scoffed.

"You think I care about some stupid hero book? I am the best damn hero and the brat knows that! I don't need to sign a stupid piece of paper for that!" Katsuki shouted glaring at the two, the hero smiled widely a smile the two were well known for. "I will prove that runt if I have to! Oi, Deku!"

As Kirishima and Mina watched Katsuki walked to Deku who was kneeling in front of you with your notebook resting on one palm while holding the pen with the other, "He had that scary smile again.. He's up to no good."

𝐃𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲'𝐬 𝐁𝐫𝐚𝐭,k.bakugouWhere stories live. Discover now