First Day of School

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Slowly opening his eyes, Katsuki blinked the sleepiness from his eyes until his vision slowly cleared only to see a face he had only wished for it to be a nightmare. "Fucking nightmare..." He croaked out tiredly then turned to his side ignoring your small glare.

"Oi! Papa get up! I have to go to school!"

"Go walk there yourself, I'm tired." Katsuki placed a hand over your face to shove you off of him making you fall on your back, Pulling his cover over his body more he closed his eyes making his back face you.

Sitting up with a meaningful pout, your (e/c) orbs glared at the lazy man who is your father, you slowly stood up making sure not to fall over the bed. "Fine. If you won't wake up nicely I'm going to wake you up my way, Baka!" A large deviously smirk reached your lips, gazing at Katsuki who seemingly ignored your pitiful threat.

Oh, how wrong he was to ignore it...

The man was soundly falling back to sleep until the familiar sound of crackling made him open his eyes wide open, in a blink of an eye, you fired a good amount of your small explosion to where his head was.

Katsuki was quick to jump out of the way making his poor pillow take the hit, Now standing on the side of his bed with a stunned look that was soon replaced with his signature glare he growled lowly at you who only smiled widely. "Let's go, Baka! It's my first day at school and I don't wanna be late showing these lame kids who are better!"

"You little shit! I'm going to kill you!"

"Eep!" Quickly jumping down when Katsuki launched himself at you, you rushed out of the bedroom leaving Katsuki to lay on his stomach alone on his bed.

The hero mumbled curses underneath his breath as he slowly sat himself up, "Freaking Brat."


Katsuki had his hands stuffed into his pockets as he walked beside you, You hummed happily with a bag that held your bento box while you skipped beside the grumpy hero. "Remind me again, why the hell you wanted to walk so badly... I have a car."

"A walk is healthy! Plus you look like you could use it- Ow! Ow!" Whining out in pain while Katsuki pinched both of your cheeks roughly with a sharp glare, "You have a disrespectful mouth on you and it's getting annoying!"

"Lettttt gooooo offff meeeee!"

You tried to pry his hands from your cheeks only for him to dig his thumbs harder into your flesh, it wasn't until three men who stood in front of the school's gates stopped to see the scene in front of them, "Bakugo?"

The ashy-blonde hero halt his torture on you, his ruby irises snapping to the trio who stood with their children "Tch, What are you looking at?" Letting go of your cheeks, he huffed while you rubbed your cheeks and glared up at him. "Baka!" You shouted, kicking him in his shin making him curse loudly and reach out to grab you.

"Deku!!" You screamed out, dodging his hand you rushed to one of the three other heroes and hugged his leg, "Bleh!" Sticking your tongue out at your Father, Katsuki gritted his teeth then began to walk towards you until Kirishima stood in front of him. "Woah! Woah! Calm down, she's a kid."

"She's a disrespectful brat!"

"And you are an old man!"

"At least I know how to wipe my snotty nose!"

𝐃𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲'𝐬 𝐁𝐫𝐚𝐭,k.bakugouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora