Daddy's Love

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"You said all she has been doing all day today is just watching a tv show?"

"Yeah, she has been addicted to watching this stupid show for a full week... If I try to watch something or pull her away she starts to throw a stupid fit." Katsuki clicked his tongue his eyes glued on your small figure in front of the tv, "What's the show about?"

"A stupid talking dog and a boy. She's going to make me break the stupid thing, I just keep telling myself she is a kid and she likes watching annoying thing–"

"Papa! That boy makes my heart jump!"

The other line of the call went silent followed by a laugh by Hanta "Maybe she doesn't mean nothing from it–"

Hanging up the phone Katsuki placed it into his pocket then rushed towards his bedroom unknown to you, it wasn't until the man came back with a pillow strapped to his arms, legs, and chest with the infamous child panda leash in hand.

Narrowing his eyes at you, much like a lasso he swung the leash towards your small figure catching you by surprise. Before you could move the leash from you he swiftly ran towards you then wrestled just to clip the thing on.

After a moment of fighting against each other, Katsuki pulled the leash up bringing your body upwards into the air with one hand using the other to grab the remote and turn off the tv he looked back at you with a victorious smirk while you, pouted. "Let's go have some Daddy's and Daughter's time, brat."

"I wanna watch tv!"

"And I want you to stop whining! Now we both can't get what we want so you are going to spend time with me and you are going to like it!"

Narrowing your eyes at him with your small arms crossed over your chest, you huffed gently "You can't make me!" sticking your tongue out at him, Katsuki chuckled lowly bringing you to his eye level. The hero held a sinister smirk, his red eyes glued on yours "Wanna bet?"


"Fresh air, isn't this fun? It's better than being in front of the stupid tv all-day... Get up so I could stop dragging you, you are making your clothes filthy." Stopping in his tracks he gazed down at you seeing you on your back looking up at him with a displeased look. "I want tv!"

Clicking his tongue he picked you up making you whine out just when you were about to struggle, Katsuki looked at you with a scowl "Shut up. If you keep whining I will decorate your room princess theme." threatening you as the large bag he had been carrying over his shoulder moved once he picked you up.

At his words you had stopped struggling, seeing this Katsuki placed you over his shoulders while holding your ankles as your small hands rested underneath his chin. Continuing to walk down the sidewalk past the bystanders. "Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise."

"What's the surprise?"


If I tell you, it won't be a surprise."

Puffing your cheeks out you rested your chin on top of his head as he walked, your round eyes looking around the city until Katsuki made a turn as the hero carefully walked down the stairs he had told you to close your eyes which you did.

Feeling his footsteps slowing down, an unfamiliar clear yet salty smell hitting your nostrils followed by the sound of water moving and laughter of bystanders, you felt your body being lifted then placed down the ground underneath your shoes moving with your weight.

"Open your eyes kid."

Slowly opening your eyes you blinked letting your sight adjust to the brightness around you, gasping excitedly when your eyes landed on sight in front of you "It's a huge sandbox!"

𝐃𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲'𝐬 𝐁𝐫𝐚𝐭,k.bakugouDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora