Mini BakuSqaud

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"And how sure Denki could be able to watch the kids? I have a feeling his attention span isn't good."

"We kinda have no choice since we are needed at the Hero convention! This year we are introducing the new class of UA! Oh, I am so excited!" Mina squealed happily,

Katsuki scoffed placing you down as he walked into the home of Jirou and Denki, "Whatever. As long as I don't come back to the brat destroying the house... You hear that?! Don't fuck shit up!"

You turned to face him sticking your tongue out, "Don't scare off the new heroes with your ugly face, and don't be a show-off!" you shouted running towards the bedroom where the others were.

Clicking his tongue Katsuki looked at Denki dusting his shoulders off his hero outfit, "If I come back and there is even one scratch on her I will fucking kill you." he spat out, walking out of the house.

Denki stared at the other parents with his eyes wide "Is that how they tell each other they love each other before leaving?"

"You know Bakugo, he is one to show his love in his own ways." Jirou says, placing a kiss on his cheek as she fixed her hero costume. "Alright guys, we should get going before it's too late. Dinner is ready already, have them in bed by the time we come back."

"Have fun, Denki!" Mina says walking out with Eijiro and Jirou, Denki nods he was about to lead the rest out until Izuku suddenly began to shove notebooks into his face.

"So this is Tenko's entire schedule just in case anything happens my contacts, Uraraka's, My mom's, Uraraka's parents are all in here as well as the nearest hospital and police station just in case if we are too far away–" As Izuku blabbed to Denki who was looking at him with wide eyes as he continued to blab.

Shoto grabbed the large pro-hero by the back of his costume dragging him away as he continued to muttered, "Don't worry Denki, I know you will be able to deal with them! Izuku could be a bit of a worrywart, Thank you again for doing this!" Uraraka laughed softly then walked out with Momo.

Denki closed the door looking down at the dozen of papers Izuku had given him, the hero laughed then placed the papers on the table "I could take care of a group of kids! What could even go wrong?"

Walking upstairs to the kids' bedroom he grasped the doorknob "Okay kids, The parents are out for the day so–" Once he had opened the door, he heard screaming when he snapped his daze his eyed landed on two bodies that smacked right into him making him stumble back until he reached the top of the stairs causing him to fall.

The children rushed to the top of the stairs, watching the electric hero's body tumble down like a ragdoll before he landed on the bottom on his back.

"I-Is he dead?" Tenko asked worriedly, you and Hirio looked down at the hero hearing a painful groan from the knocked out man, "Nope! He is alive!" Yua says happily.

"It's Kucchan fault for knocking me into him!... By the way, I still count this as a win for the wrestle." Hirio says, you narrowed your eyes then tackled the boy fighting him down the hallway.

"Will you two stop it already?!" Hatori shouted as he tries to pull you and Hirio apart with Sora only for the two bystanders to be pulled into the fight.

Ayumi shakes her head then looked at Yua, "Maybe we should go check on your dad–"

"WRESTLE!!" Ayumi was cut off by the energetic girl tackling her wanting to join in.


"Ugh.. That hurt like hell..."

Slowly opening his eyes Denki groaned feeling a sharp pain in his skull, once his vision came back he jumped seeing children look over him.

𝐃𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲'𝐬 𝐁𝐫𝐚𝐭,k.bakugouKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat